Brethren: Peace and Good to you.
In a letter dated July 20, 2012, Mr. Thomas Menino, Mayor of Boston, blasted the President of Chicken Fil-A for the company's pro-Marriage stance and denying the company the opportunity to do business in the city because of Chicken Fil-A's exercise of cherished 1st Amendment freedoms.
Mr. Menino's screed belies his claims that Boston is a place where freedom "expands." I am sure that a substantial segment of the Boston population holds in conscience to the notion that same-sex relationships are against God's law and natural law, thereby defending the institution of marriage as made up of one man and one woman.
The Mayor's screed indicates you consider those Bostonians as second-class citizens and unworthy of airing their views, defending them, and bringing them to the public arena to affect policy.
I do see bigotry here, but not on the part of Chicken Fil-A nor from those Bostonians who believe in freedom of expression, conscience, and association, but emanating from the mayor's office and from his very person.
If Mr. Menino cannot be a mayor for all Bostonians, perhaps he should resign and make way for someone who would.
Ditto to Chicago's Mayor Ron Emmanuel and his similar stance.