The radio is always airing this commercial about a furniture store that only opens on weekends named "The Dump". Abby being from California and all told me, "Why don't we try that trash place they announced on the radio?" Hummm trash place, let me see... Oh you mean "The Dump", "Yeah that one" she said.
So on a busy Friday afternoon we set off to the city of Chandler to check this place out. It only took us a few minutes to realize that the only dumping there would be from us dumping our money. Pretty much everything there was very expensive, so we didn't last too long in there.
The decision to come back to the neighborhood was a wise one, I much rather "dump" my money in my own hood anyway so we once again went back to MOR to purchase that little sofa we had seen the previous week. However, what a difference a week makes, all of a sudden every living room set was either on sale or priced just right. All of a sudden we have a bunch of affordable choices.
We narrowed it to three sets we liked and then the salesman points me to this sectional, (we were not looking into sectionals) and I immediately liked it. Abby, maybe not so at first. It was priced just right and I loved the color so after weighing the alternatives we decided to purchase it.
I think it will look awesome in our living room but unfortunately it will take about three weeks for it to come in. Thankfully we were not in a hurry. So, I will be posting a picture of it as soon as it comes in.