A girl holding a star

Brethren: I greet you all in the love of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Recently I had another dream. I dreamt that I saw a young girl standing at night on an open field with tall grasses. The girl looked Native American, dark skin, long black hair. She wore a seamless dress, of a light earth color, although the image shifted and she appeared naked, though I could only see her back and as my field of vision moved to her front, her torso. The night was filled with stars and a soft, warm breeze blew upon the prairie. I too felt its warmth. Her hair moved ever so slightly in response to the warm breeze.

Then I noticed that she was holding what appeared to be a firefly in her cupped hands. Then firefly began glowing more and more until it look like one of the stars as if plucked from the very sky. Its luminosity increased until the light began to glow through the little girl’s very skin, between her fingers and through her hands and fingers. At this point the girl acquired an iridescence about her as she contemplated the star in her hands, her face completely serene, immobile, impassive, you may say even in ecstasy. She began to glow with the star’s light all around her, as my field of vision circled her slowly. She was completely focused on the star she held between her hands, as in voiceless communication. There my dream ended.

The only thing close to the dream-image that I could find on the net that even approached its feel is the one I picture here, minus the boy on the right.

I think I know what it means, but I want to know what you think…Winking smile