A Blah Kind Of Weekend.

My weekend wasn't really the greatest. I fell into a "I don't want to do anything" mode and I just could not shake it. I winded up sleeping all day Saturday and only got up on Sunday to attend mass and have dinner at my sister's. Once that was done it was back home to bed. Needless other than going to mass and dinner it was totally a wasted weekend. So the fairly big "to do" list that I had for Saturday will just have to join the the list for next weekend.

This morning I woke up on time and left the house early only to find the entrance of the freeway backed up. I thought here I go again I am going to be late for work so I started to settle into the freeway traffic when I noticed the source of the slow down. This guy that takes the same freeway entrance and exit and rides a semi-custom bike was down. Now I don't know if he was hit, if he hit, or if he just lost control of the bike. I just hate to see riders down as it is a constant reminder of how vulnerable we are while riding.

I could see he was moving and there were people there already giving him aid. I imagine the ambulance had also been called. So I just silently extended a prayer for him to be OK and kept going. I have seen this type of scene before and I have to shake it real fast and not let it get to me, riding is still my passion and would not dream of giving it up, at least not yet.

One of those things in my "to do" list is to take the bike for service but since I have to drop it off and leave it there I would need a ride back home and then back to the dealership when ready. These days those rides are scarce as everybody seems to be extremely busy.

Well, hopefuly next weekend I will figure it out one way or the other. For now I just hope my week goes fine.

And I wish for yours to go fine as well.
