It's top down days. Yes I have been going topless all week long. Oh but before you all start having impure thoughts please know that I am talking about my Mustang convertible. The weather is finally shifting and even though we are still experiencing some heath for the most part it's beautiful. You would not believe we just had such a nasty storm just last week by the looks of today's climate.

And just by a blink of an eye another weekend is here. What to to? What to do? Well, I this time I have no clear idea of what but I know I'll be doing something. For starters cleaning and reorganizing the house, and hopefully I'll also wash the cars because they both really need it. Maybe going out tonight or maybe just cook at home and stay in. Oh so many possibilities. Now that the kids are giving it another go at leaving on their own I'll continue with the work I was doing at home. Should be fun!

I continue to be an active choir member at church and I enjoy it very much. This coming Sunday we will be covering two masses instead of one and for some reason I look forward to that. A lot of people have asked us if we have recorded a CD yet. They claim that we actually sound good enough to record an to please let them know if we ever do so they can get a copy. Ummm, something to think about. As they holidays rapidly approach we are going to be very busy, can't wait.

My dear friend Tara, whom I met some four years ago while reading her blog sent me a message to look for something she put in the mail for me. Well, yesterday I received a little card that there's a parcel I need to pick up at the post office. You may all remember the portrait Tara did of my dad last year, well now my curiosity is on red alert and the anticipation is getting the best of me cause I want to know what she sent. I hope I can make it to the post office in time to pick it up.

For those of you that didn't see it before, well here it is again. Tara's painting of my dad.

So many good teachings, what an awesome legacy. He will never be forgotten. It was six years ago this month that he left us and we all remember him with lots of love and respect. He would have been so proud to hear me and my niece sing with the choir, It was him and my sister that took over the existing choir at St. Vincent de Paul parish and started developing it to where it was a well liked choir. We continue his legacy with love and grace. I love you dad!