
My sister tells me I'll be singing this song during meditation on Sunday's mass. So I am listening to it over and over again so I can learn it and the name is so fitting to dedicate it to the 33 Chilean miners that were trapped and by the grace of God were rescued on 10/13/10. They lived so many days in the dark room of the mine that I am sure the first day that they get to see a new "amanecer" (sun rise)they will totally see it with a new perspective on live.

We celebrate their courage, and applaud their faith. I'll definitely be happy to sing it on Sunday.


Al amanecer, canto al Creador
de un nuevo dia.
Nueva luz me llena de alegria,
doy las gracias al amanecer.

Al amanecer pido al Padre
su misericordia.
Muestrame tu amor tu indulgencia,
es mi canto al amanecer.

Hoy te alabo oh Dios,
por tu grandeza.
Hoy te alabo, oh Dios,
por tu bondad.

Al amanecer, te dedico oh Dios,
toda mi vida.
Mis obras y trabajo de este dia.

Todo lo que soy, todo mi ser.
Todo lo que soy, todo mi ser.
