Well it is a happy fact that I like who I am, what I am, how I am, where I am, at all times, day or night, night or day. I am a reflection of my parents, their teachings, their examples, and their love for each other as well as for us. In life there comes a time when change is needed, but that is definitely not my time right now, I do however and only to a point adapt to my present by making the necessary adjustments. Tweaking and fine-tuning my life is a never-ending task, which I do happily and willingly based on the fact that I realize I have a great foundation already in place.
This foundation is the great legacy mi chica left me. I am who I am, what I am, how I am, and where I am all thanks to her, to her continuous trust and love for me, to the endless understanding and patience she had in me, and to the unconditional commitment (I call it more a gamble) that she trusted in me.
Apparently this is true for so many other people where mi chica spread her magic. She indeed had the magic touch, and I was the number one recipient of her particular type of magic. Amazingly enough there was so much of it that all my kids, grandkids, and an endless amount of friends will authenticate the validity of this fact.
I am, who I am, and what I am, all thanks to you
Your unconditional love and endless excitement
Your infinite patience and unsurpassed understanding
Your wisdom, your laughter
Your screaming, so drastic
It was all part of you, and we all knew to trust it.
You thought us more than we all bargained for
But you did throw some curves, as to wind up the road
You did not make it easy, you did not make it hard
You just gave us the challenge, and you did it so right
If we learned the lessons, you so kindly spread out
We should all be OK as that sure was your plan
Half a year just passed and her legacy continues. I already see it will never die. To see her kids go and visit her fills my heart with a certain joy that is unsurpassed. Last week her marker was placed and the inscription above her name reads “Amor Eterno” (Eternal Love). Yes it was the name of her favorite song but also the mantra by which she lived and loved.
She definitely turned me into a better person, and a better man, and I have a feeling she is not done yet.