So, now obviously I no longer go to school but now as a member of the choir I am required to go to practice every Thursday night and early Sunday right before mass. But being a member of the Copperstate Mustang Club, and being an avid motorcycle rider, I find myself missing out on a lot of the rides and or functions and also on some family events as well so as much as I don't like to but I must ditch some practices and even some masses here and there.
Still, I have to call and ask for permission to ditch practice. lol Once a good kid, always a good kid (at least that's what I tell myself) and hopefully the teacher or in this case my sister (our choir director) will give me her blessing to miss the class/practice.

So when I was invited to go watch the Basketball finals at Hooters it was a little hard to turn down. And when you go watch it with the ultimate Lakers fan it's a little wild but nevertheless lots of fun. So, although I am far, far away from converting and leaving my beloved Suns, I found myself rooting for The Lakers if only by association. It was a good game, a nice night in the patio under the misters which kept us pretty refreshed, and the beer pitchers that kept coming. Me, being designated driver held at my limit of 2 only and still fell tipsy so even tho not hungry I had to chow down or some delicious chicken wings. OK, I am lying, Hooters chicken wings are really not all that delicious but the hit the spot. If not mine at least the guy's that asked me for my left overs as we were walking to the car. Besides, really do guys go to Hooters just for the chicken wings? *wink* *wink*.
As for the outcome of the game as if you didn't know already. It was Lakers by a few lucky shots.

Image borrowed from the Internet.