Brethren, Peace and Good to all of you in Jesus’ Name.
In case you were missing it – and sorry I took so long to restate it – the aftermath of President Obama’s reelection has had no effect upon my commitment to defend the truth about natural marriage: that marriage is an institution born from intimate human experience, that it is grounded upon the natural moral law, and that it is to be between just one man and just one woman (funny that we have to state that), that it derives from the sexual complementarity of the spouses, that this complementarity is no accident, and that it presupposes a total and mutual gift of self from husband and wife. As a consequence of this gift of self, which is always to be open to life, love becomes “incarnate”, so-to-speak in the children that are fruit of this love, and that the children’s right to be raised by parents who express this mutual complementarity shall not be violated by positive law.
That’s what marriage is supposed to be for our species. Same-sex pairings are not marriage in light of natural law, nor in light of divine revelation. Since marriage so conceived lies at the core of the family, it should be protected by law and custom, not redefined out of existence by political fiat.
“Equality” is a term too often thrown about to justify same-sex pairings. But, when is it that equality isn’t “equality”? When the things thus equated are in fact, not equal. To do otherwise is to void the notionof “equality” of all meaning, or it redefined in order to justify a violation of the very meaning of “equality.” Restricting marriage to couples of the opposite sex violates no one’s right to equality, for other pairings are not equal to natural marriage in their fundamental essence.
We have entered a new, dubious, even dangerous phase in this debate. There are powers now who have the upper hand who are also intent upon redefining marriage for the rest of us, and to (ironically) use the coercive power of the state to repress and delegitimize our views. We must face them visibly – via the ballot box, activism, even civil disobedience – and invisibly, that is, prayer, sacrifice, and spiritual warfare.
“Showing the other cheek” doesn’t mean that we’re supposed to become everyone else’s welcome mat. It is right and just to resist this new dawn of tyranny with every legitimate tool at our disposal. Thus we advance, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the + Holy Spirit. Amen.
- Read also Frequently Asked Questions About The Defense Of Marriage at the USCCB Website
Added on November 29, 2012:
I also hereby renew my support to the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and their mission “to protect marriage and the faith communities that sustain it.” My support for NOM remains wholehearted and unwavering now more than ever.