This, according to Catholic World News:
Commentary. Of course, you won't find the Southern Poverty Research Center (SPRC) research the persecution suffered by people of faith because they designated the Family Research Council a "hate" organization for its principled stance in favor of natural marriage. That's because before the eyes of the ruling elites, some people are more worthy of defense than others.The Liberty Institute and the Family Research Council have published a 135-page report documenting lawsuits and other acts that have exhibited hostility towards the free exercise of religion. “While by no means exhaustive, this survey now presents over 600 incidents of religious attacks and hostility in the United States -- most of which occurred within the past 10 years.” For instance, the report cites a case in which officials at Foothill High School in Las Vegas, Nevada, told valedictorian Brittany McComb that she could not mention God or Jesus in her valedictorian address. When McComb did so anyway, the school officials turned off her microphone. McComb sued the school for violating her free speech rights, but the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found that the school district did not violate her constitutional rights.
- Read the Survey of Religious Hostility in America here.