Four Ways of Love for Christ

Father Nicolas Schwizer

Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. He is the only mediator to the Father. He, through the redemption, gives us divine life, justifies us, makes us children of God. Love for Christ gives itself in four main ways.

1. Love for the historical Christ. He is the Man-God born of Mary, lived his 33 years on this earth and reigns now from Heaven. He has to be at the center of all Christian spirituality. The Gospels show us the concrete image of the historical Christ. The Bible has to be, therefore, the preferred book for all Christians, also ours. Is it truly? And the question is also if we truly read the Bible? Now, the image of Christ is so large and inhaustible that it is difficult to accept it completely. Therefore, when we try to see Him, and especially follow Him, each one seeks the face and the characteristics which most attract him…..that he likes… which fulfill him the most. And there is where our personal image of Christ or our intimate image of Mary, mirror of Christ, emerge. And it would be good to ask ourselves anew: What is my personal image of Christ?

2. Love for the Eucharistic Christ. Love for the historical Christ should awaken in us love for the Eucharist because in it is the more intimate, deeper and closer encounter with the Lord, in Holy Communion.

In Communion, therefore, that spiritual and physical union with Christ is deepened… already produced by baptism. And it reaches unimaginable heights because this union with the Lord who allows himself to be consumed by us, to dwell in our heart and we form one Body with Him, surpasses all possibilities for the union of human love. Uniting ourselves to Him, we also become one with all who partake of the same Bread, in such a way that in this sacrament the brotherhood born from Baptism culminates.

So, where do I stand with all of this? Are we still struggling to fulfill our Sunday Mass?

3. Love for the mystical Christ. It is the idea of the Body of the mystical Christ. As members of the Church we are united in a community of being and life with Christ. The image of the body: Christ the head, we the members and the Virgin Mary the heart. The image of the vine and the branches. Grace and the life of Christ unite us and nourish all of us. In Him we participate in the divine life and we slowly become divinized. But in Christ we are also attached to others, with the brethern, to journey together toward the definitive encounter with Him.

The best and most profound manifestation of it is Eucharistic Communion: together we offer ourselves, together we transform ourselves, together we receive the same Christ. According to what measure do we feel as active committed members of the Body of Christ, members of that Family which is the Church?

4. Love for the Christ of my heart. It is the consequence of the previous: in Baptism we have become members of his mystical Body. And from that moment, Christ took possession of our heart. From Baptism, Christ lives within me, labors, prays and suffers within me. He wants to be the center, he wants to be the King of my heart.

That is why Saint Paul can say: “so that it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me” (Ga 2, 20). Am I aware of that so great a gift which is the presence of the Lord in my heart?

Questions for reflection

1. How great is my love for Christ present in the Eucharist?

2. What do I contribute so that the community in Christ can grow and deepen?

3. Do I love that Christ who makes himself so small in order to always be with me?