euro recap: the best dinner of our lives (so far)

it is so hard to describe how magical this dinner was!  and the pictures truly do not do it justice.  after a relaxing day on the beach in cannes, we hopped on the train and took an hour-long ride up the coast to the train station at beaulieu-sur-mer. we got off here, picked up some road sodas (copa di vino.. um why have i not yet found this in the states?), and walked 45 minutes along the cape of st. jean to the little town of saint-jean-cap-ferrat, outside of villefranche. ww oogled over the massive yachts, and i oogled over the gorgeous homes. visiting these little towns on the cote d'azur is so much fun.

we arrived at our dinner destination, restaurant plage de passable, right in time to catch a gorgeous sunset over the town of villefranche. this little restaurant on the beach combines the elegance of white table-cloths with the casualness of kiddos running around in their bathing suits after a long day on the beach.  it is ridiculously charming.  we lucked out with a prime table on the beach, and the sweetest, most non-english-speaking waiter.
this experience would have been incredible even without the food. but the food was amazing. as nothing was in english, we really had no idea what we were ordering, but ended up with delicious seafood & vegetables of all sorts. we both agreed that the scallops were the best we'd ever had.  

the whole way back to cannes that night, we talked about how we will definitely retire and/or buy a second home here. i'll keep you posted on how that goes.