Where’s the real “schism”?


Peace and good to all of you. I just wanted to offer brief comments on this extract 'Moral schism' worries Catholics, published in the The Columbus Dispatch:

“There’s a moral schism going on in the Catholic church, and the bishops are the schismatics, broken from the laity and theologians,” said Daniel Maguire, a theology professor at Marquette University in Milwaukee.Such breaks often lead to membership upticks for other faiths, he said. “As long as the bishops are behaving this way, there are going to be more Unitarians.”

Commentary. The only “moral schismatics” here are those who want to impose their compromises with contemporary mores upon the rest of the Church, and then call those of us who resist “moral schismatics.” These agitators with prophetic pretensions like to drive a wedge through the Church and then blame others. Do not heed these sowers of dissent.