Anti-Life Philosophy.
Opposition to abortion comes largely from the Roman Catholic Church. One of the more effective ways of scoring this point is to read from the [attached] List of Organizations Favoring Repeal [of all abortion laws] the names of prestigious national organizations ... and then to challenge your [pro-life debating] opponent to name one nonreligious organization in any of these categories (health, welfare, legal, medical, etc.) that supports their contention that abortion is murder.National Abortion Rights Action League.[1]
When you scan lists of groups opposing abortion, you find all of them are religious in nature.Anne Nicol Gaylor, Abortion is a Blessing.[2]
Anti-Religious Bigotry.
The above quotes are two of many attempts by the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and other pro-abort groups to stereotype and pigeonhole the entire pro-life movement.
There is good strategic reasoning behind this blatant bigotry. If NARAL and their contemptible ilk can convince the public that the pro-life movement is very narrow in focus and unrepresentative of the American mainstream by painting it as an organ of an 'unholy alliance' between the Pope and Fundamentalist preachers, they will have won a great psychological victory. They will have successfully tapped into the deep reservoir of residual anti-Catholic and anti-religious bigotry that lurks within the souls of tens of millions of Americans.
To show how one-sided this kind of stereotyping really is, try to imagine the uproar that the Neoliberal media would make if some pro-life leader snottily declared that all abortophiles were nothing but a bunch of sexually perverted, atheist lowlife scum!
An anti-life debater may very well make a statement similar to the above NARAL quote. If this happens, the pro-life debater may respond by simply reading aloud the names of all of the non-religious pro-life groups listed in Figure 20-1. The non-religious pro-life groups in this figure are marked with an asterisk (*).
700 Club
Abortion Abolition Society *
Abortion Case Study Project *
Abortion Lawsuit Project *
Abortion Survivors Anonymous *
Accuracy in Academia *
Accuracy in Media *
Ad Hoc Committee in Defense of Human Life *
Advocates for Life Ministries (AFLM)
Alliance for Chastity Education (ACE) *
Alternatives to Abortion International *
American Academy of Medical Ethics *
American Association of Prolife Obstetricians/Gynecologists *
American Catholic Lawyers Association (ACLA)
American Citizens Concerned for Life (ACCL) *
American Collegians for Life *
American Conservative Union *
American Family Association (AFA) *
American Family Credit Union *
American Family Defense Coalition *
American Freedom Coalition *
American Life League (ALL) *
American ProLife Council *
American Rights Coalition (ARC) *
American Victims of Abortion (AVA) *
Americans Against Abortion (AAA)
Americans United for Life (AUL) *
Ancient Order of Hibernians in America
Armed Forces for Life *
Artists for Life *
Association for Interdisciplinary Research
in Values and Social Change *
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons *
Association of Medical Ethics (AME) *
Baptists for Life
Bethany Christian Services
Birthright International *
Black Americans for Life *
Campaign Life Coalition *
Catholic Bishop's Committee for Pro-Life Activities
Catholic Campaign for America
Catholic Charities USA
Catholic Health Association of the USA
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Catholic Telecommunications Network of America (CTNA)
Catholics United for Life (CUL)
Catholics United for the Faith (CUF)
Cato Institute *
Center for Documentation of the American Holocaust *
Center for the Rights of the Disabled *
Christian Action Council (CAC)
Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
Christian Legal Defense and Education Foundation
Christian Legal Society (CLS)
Christian Maternity/Home Association
Christian Voice
Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia (CURE) *
Concerned Women for America (CWA) *
Conservative Caucus *
Conservative National Committee *
Conservative Network *
Couple to Couple League (CCL)
DADS for Life *
Daughters of St. Paul (DSP)
Defenders of Life *
Dentists for Life *
Eagle Forum *
Elliott Institute *
Eternal Life
Ethics & Public Policy Center *
Family of the Americas Foundation *
Family Research Council (FRC) *
Family Research Institute (FRI) *
Fellowship of Catholic Scholars (FCS)
Feminists for Life of America (FFLA) *
Focus on the Family
Fortress International
Free Speech Advocates (FSA) *
Gays Against Abortion *
Good Counsel
Heartbeat International
Heritage Foundation
Heritage House
Hispanics for Life *
Human Life Center (HLC) *
Human Life Foundation (HLF) *
Human Life International (HLI)
Institute for Abortion Recovery & Research *
International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force (IAETF) *
International Black Women's Network *
International Federation for Family Life Promotion *
International Federation of Catholic Alumnae
International Life Services (ILS) *
International Right to Life Foundation *
Jewish Anti-Abortion League
John Birch Society *
Knights of Columbus
Last Days Ministries
Leadership Institute *
League Against Neo-Hitlerism *
Legal Action for Women *
Life After Assault League (LAAL) *
Life Amendment Political Action Committee *
Life Civil Liberties Union Defense Fund *
Life Fund *
Lobby for Life *
Lutherans for Life
March for Life *
Media Institute *
Media Research Center *
Methodists for Life
Michael Fund *
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) *
Mothers Against Minor's Abortions (MAMA) *
National Association for Abstinence Education *
National Association for the Advancement
of Preborn Children (NAAPC) *
National Association of Evangelicals
National Association of Pro-Life Nurses (NAPN) *
National Association of Scholars *
National Catholic Coalition
National Chastity Association *
National Coalition of Clergy and Laity
National Commission on Human Life, Reproduction, and Rhythm *
National Committee for a Human Life Amendment *
National Committee of Catholic Laymen
National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB)
National Conservative Foundation *
National Council of Catholic Women
National Federation for Life *
National Federation of Catholic Physician's Guilds
National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled *
National Legal Foundation *
National Officers for Life Federation *
National Organization of Episcopalians for Life (NOEL)
National Pro-Family Coalition *
National Pro-Life Democrats *
National Pro-Life Oratorical Committee *
National Pro-Life Political Action Committee *
National Pro-Life Religious Council
National Pro-Life Youth Coalition *
National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) *
National Teens for Life *
National Women's Coalition for Life *
Nurses for Life *
Nurturing Network *
Officers for Life *
Open ARMS Ministry
Operation Rescue (OR)
Pearson Institute
People Concerned for the Unborn Child (PCUC) *
Pharmacists for Life *
Physicians for Moral Responsibility (PMR)
Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research & Education Center
Pope Paul VI Institute for Human Reproduction
Population Research Institute *
Post-Abortion Counseling and Healing (PACE)
Presbyterians for Life
Priests for Life
Pro-Life Action League *
Pro-Life Action Ministries
Pro-Life Direct Action League *
Pro-Life Seminarians International
Professional Women's Network *
Project Life *
Project Rachel
Psychiatrists for Life and Family Values *
Public Health Workers for Life *
Rachel's Rescues
Republican Coalition for Life *
Rescue America *
Rescue Outreach
Rosary Novena for Life
Rutherford Institute *
Sanctity of Life Ministries
Scientists for Life *
Seamless Garment Network
Shield of Roses
Sisters of Life (Soror Vitae)
Sons of Mary
Southern Baptist Convention, Christian Life Commission
Stop Planned Parenthood (STOPP) *
Task Force of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality
Teen Aid *
Today's Family *
Traditional Values Coalition
University Faculty for Life *
Unwed Parents Anonymous
Value of Life Committee
Victim Souls for the Unborn Christ Child
Victims of Choice
Vida Humana Internacional
Voice Network International (VNI) *
Women Affirming Life
Women Exploited By Abortion (WEBA)
Women for Faith and Family (WFF)
Women for Human Rights *
Women for Women *
Women's Aglow Fellowship International
World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life *
Young America's Foundation *
Young Americans for Freedom *
Abortion Abolition Society *
Abortion Case Study Project *
Abortion Lawsuit Project *
Abortion Survivors Anonymous *
Accuracy in Academia *
Accuracy in Media *
Ad Hoc Committee in Defense of Human Life *
Advocates for Life Ministries (AFLM)
Alliance for Chastity Education (ACE) *
Alternatives to Abortion International *
American Academy of Medical Ethics *
American Association of Prolife Obstetricians/Gynecologists *
American Catholic Lawyers Association (ACLA)
American Citizens Concerned for Life (ACCL) *
American Collegians for Life *
American Conservative Union *
American Family Association (AFA) *
American Family Credit Union *
American Family Defense Coalition *
American Freedom Coalition *
American Life League (ALL) *
American ProLife Council *
American Rights Coalition (ARC) *
American Victims of Abortion (AVA) *
Americans Against Abortion (AAA)
Americans United for Life (AUL) *
Ancient Order of Hibernians in America
Armed Forces for Life *
Artists for Life *
Association for Interdisciplinary Research
in Values and Social Change *
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons *
Association of Medical Ethics (AME) *
Baptists for Life
Bethany Christian Services
Birthright International *
Black Americans for Life *
Campaign Life Coalition *
Catholic Bishop's Committee for Pro-Life Activities
Catholic Campaign for America
Catholic Charities USA
Catholic Health Association of the USA
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
Catholic Telecommunications Network of America (CTNA)
Catholics United for Life (CUL)
Catholics United for the Faith (CUF)
Cato Institute *
Center for Documentation of the American Holocaust *
Center for the Rights of the Disabled *
Christian Action Council (CAC)
Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN)
Christian Legal Defense and Education Foundation
Christian Legal Society (CLS)
Christian Maternity/Home Association
Christian Voice
Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia (CURE) *
Concerned Women for America (CWA) *
Conservative Caucus *
Conservative National Committee *
Conservative Network *
Couple to Couple League (CCL)
DADS for Life *
Daughters of St. Paul (DSP)
Defenders of Life *
Dentists for Life *
Eagle Forum *
Elliott Institute *
Eternal Life
Ethics & Public Policy Center *
Family of the Americas Foundation *
Family Research Council (FRC) *
Family Research Institute (FRI) *
Fellowship of Catholic Scholars (FCS)
Feminists for Life of America (FFLA) *
Focus on the Family
Fortress International
Free Speech Advocates (FSA) *
Gays Against Abortion *
Good Counsel
Heartbeat International
Heritage Foundation
Heritage House
Hispanics for Life *
Human Life Center (HLC) *
Human Life Foundation (HLF) *
Human Life International (HLI)
Institute for Abortion Recovery & Research *
International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force (IAETF) *
International Black Women's Network *
International Federation for Family Life Promotion *
International Federation of Catholic Alumnae
International Life Services (ILS) *
International Right to Life Foundation *
Jewish Anti-Abortion League
John Birch Society *
Knights of Columbus
Last Days Ministries
Leadership Institute *
League Against Neo-Hitlerism *
Legal Action for Women *
Life After Assault League (LAAL) *
Life Amendment Political Action Committee *
Life Civil Liberties Union Defense Fund *
Life Fund *
Lobby for Life *
Lutherans for Life
March for Life *
Media Institute *
Media Research Center *
Methodists for Life
Michael Fund *
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL) *
Mothers Against Minor's Abortions (MAMA) *
National Association for Abstinence Education *
National Association for the Advancement
of Preborn Children (NAAPC) *
National Association of Evangelicals
National Association of Pro-Life Nurses (NAPN) *
National Association of Scholars *
National Catholic Coalition
National Chastity Association *
National Coalition of Clergy and Laity
National Commission on Human Life, Reproduction, and Rhythm *
National Committee for a Human Life Amendment *
National Committee of Catholic Laymen
National Conference of Catholic Bishops (NCCB)
National Conservative Foundation *
National Council of Catholic Women
National Federation for Life *
National Federation of Catholic Physician's Guilds
National Legal Center for the Medically Dependent and Disabled *
National Legal Foundation *
National Officers for Life Federation *
National Organization of Episcopalians for Life (NOEL)
National Pro-Family Coalition *
National Pro-Life Democrats *
National Pro-Life Oratorical Committee *
National Pro-Life Political Action Committee *
National Pro-Life Religious Council
National Pro-Life Youth Coalition *
National Right to Life Committee (NRLC) *
National Teens for Life *
National Women's Coalition for Life *
Nurses for Life *
Nurturing Network *
Officers for Life *
Open ARMS Ministry
Operation Rescue (OR)
Pearson Institute
People Concerned for the Unborn Child (PCUC) *
Pharmacists for Life *
Physicians for Moral Responsibility (PMR)
Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research & Education Center
Pope Paul VI Institute for Human Reproduction
Population Research Institute *
Post-Abortion Counseling and Healing (PACE)
Presbyterians for Life
Priests for Life
Pro-Life Action League *
Pro-Life Action Ministries
Pro-Life Direct Action League *
Pro-Life Seminarians International
Professional Women's Network *
Project Life *
Project Rachel
Psychiatrists for Life and Family Values *
Public Health Workers for Life *
Rachel's Rescues
Republican Coalition for Life *
Rescue America *
Rescue Outreach
Rosary Novena for Life
Rutherford Institute *
Sanctity of Life Ministries
Scientists for Life *
Seamless Garment Network
Shield of Roses
Sisters of Life (Soror Vitae)
Sons of Mary
Southern Baptist Convention, Christian Life Commission
Stop Planned Parenthood (STOPP) *
Task Force of United Methodists on Abortion and Sexuality
Teen Aid *
Today's Family *
Traditional Values Coalition
University Faculty for Life *
Unwed Parents Anonymous
Value of Life Committee
Victim Souls for the Unborn Christ Child
Victims of Choice
Vida Humana Internacional
Voice Network International (VNI) *
Women Affirming Life
Women Exploited By Abortion (WEBA)
Women for Faith and Family (WFF)
Women for Human Rights *
Women for Women *
Women's Aglow Fellowship International
World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Human Life *
Young America's Foundation *
Young Americans for Freedom *
Note. Organizations marked with an asterisk (*) are primarily non-religious in their work, although they may be partially or mostly composed of people who are Christians and Jews.