Brethren, Peace and Good to all of you in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Fr. Dwight Longnecker, over at his blog, decided to turn
the tables on atheists by appropriating their own rhetoric and aiming it against them instead. The results are impressive. This is how he starts:
Nearly a thousand atheists gathered in the Mall in Washington yesterday for a rally. The dismal weather reflected their sad message. An aging college professor from England spoke about atheism and tried to enthuse the crowd. Several comedians and television presenters also spoke.
The speakers tried to be enthusiastic about a message which is alternately sad and angry mish mash of political correctness, tired left wing activism and an out of date sexual libertarianism. The aging activists tried to make their message sound radical and controversial, and if they actually had any power it would be, for beneath the benign activism and pleas for ‘tolerance’ atheism is actually the most murderous and vile belief system the world has ever seen.
The fact of the matter is: atheists are killers. It began with the French Revolution where rationalists and atheists killed millions with their efficient killing machine the guillotine. Not content to simply wipe out their enemies, the rationalist mobs went on the rampage looting and thieving and destroying ancient works of art, architecture and culture...
Read it all
here. It's worth it, I couldn't have done it any better myself.
- A full Spanish translation of Fr. Longnecker's essay can be found here.
- Read also: Atheist Rally Draws Haters by the Catholic League.