Boxed in

I was annoyed this morning to find that even though I dropped AdSense when they stuck me with Scientology ads a couple of years ago, Blogger has again started slipping ads into my blog. Not just anywhere, but right on top of a favorite widget, El Gato Divertido. El Gato was half-obscured by their irritating little ad box, and now I couldn't play "catch me" with his paws while I court the muse.

As you can see, there are two little "x" boxes in the ad, either of which should make the ad go away, but nooooo. Click on the red one, nothing happens. Click on the one that says "remove ads" and you are whisked away to the website that's advertising!

But wait! I just published this post and then went back to View Post and although the ad hadn't disappeared, it had shrunk down to a single line. So clicking on the red box must have worked, but at glacierlike speed.  El Gato is liberated!