New URL for the Catechism of the Catholic Church EPUB

Brethren, Peace and Good to all of you in Jesus' name.

Annuntio vobis gaudim magnum: the EPUB versions of the Catechism of the Catholic Church that for the glory of God I'd put together now have a permanent home at the following link in St. Peter's List:

Please, download the files from that address from now on.

About St. Peter's List: "St. Peter’s List proudly proclaims that The Catholic Life is the Good Life. From the beatific vision to robust trappist ales, SPL prepares daily lists that reflect the beauty and truth of the Catholic tradition. Holding the beloved Dumb Ox - St. Thomas Aquinas – as the community’s patron saint, SPL proudly draws from the Scholastic tradition and champions a faithful and intellectual articulation of the Catholic faith.

Most of all we seek to live the Good life, the Catholic life, and share that truth with others.

Long Live Pope Benedict XVI.
Vivat Papa."

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