A new year has dawned and I have
wishes I pray for:
from my own humanity
as father, son, and a spirit
husband, brother, and lover
I ask, I pray, I wish
Lord, hear my prayer:
To this old world grant
peace and joy,
that men and women
the old and the young,
may ask for your peace
and pine for it
from the depths of their hearts
May all of us seed your peace
and sow it from the hearts of
each other as sisters and brothers
fathers and mothers.
May no children, elder, or infirm
suffer from hunger any more
or lack for shelter or clothing
or a warm, loving, human hand.
May they not be persecuted for
their beliefs or lack thereof, and
may all recognize your Son in one
Cure all wars, I ask o Father
Death and killings up to here
and no further;
Dry all tears, kiss all cheeks
Hold us in your loving arms
Now and in the hour of our death.
Come o Lord! Don’t delay any more
Create, o Spirit! The new world
You promised to the pure of heart
To the poor and the peacemakers and
For those who suffer in your Name.
Make us worthy, o Sun of Justice!
of that Kingdom of Promise
the Land flowing with milk and honey
Where all the desires of our hearts
You will satisfy, Amen. Amen.