Mr. James Carville should retire

Brethren, peace be with you. It’s been a while since I’ve touched upon national U.S. politics but I wish to do so today, albeit tangentially.

Today CNN published these “reflections” by former Clinton White House adviser James Carville (pictured right). He said many amazing things – as always – but I want to focus on his parting shots:

As I watch the Republican debates, I realize that we are on the brink of a crazy person running our nation. I sit in front of the television and shudder at the thought of one of these creationism-loving, global-warming-denying, immigration-bashing, Social-Security-cutting, clean-air-hating, mortality-fascinated, Wall-Street-protecting Republicans running my country.

I’m not going to defend the Republican Party and its candidates by itself, because my “politics” are the “Catholic politics” as explained in The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. I find that as a Catholic, as an American, and as  fair-minded person I must question the accuracy and the relevance of Mr. Carville’s shots. One by one:

I sit in front of the television and shudder at the thought of one of these creationism-loving…

What does that have to do with presidential fitness? Michael Romney, for example, believes in Three Gods. Why didn’t he attack that? For that matter, the Senate Minority Leader also hold the same belief in Three Gods – they are Mormons, after all. Isn’t that even kookier than believing in creationism? I would say so. Is it relevant to their fitness for higher office in America? No, it isn’t.


Not exactly. The planet is warming alright. The controversy lies in its origin. Is it antropogenic (human-caused) and if it is, to what degree, if any? That’s where the controversy lies and it lies there because of the dishonesty of those in the scientific community who by deceit, rumor-mongering, and information-operations have gone at various lengths to silence those who offer other hypotheses for testing. The keepers of the human-caused global warming orthodoxy do this by means of intimidation, shunning, name-calling, and denying funds to test the alternate hypotheses. The Democrat Party has its own industrial and business backers interested in vast government funding to their businesses, their own corporate welfare that is and we can understand that Mr. Carville plays their tune.


I’m definitely not “immigration-bashing” and I’ve held our nation to the Biblical standard to the treatment of the aliens in our midst on this blog. Yet, I also want a controlled, fair, orderly, and secure immigration mechanism something that Mr. Carville doesn’t go into, pandering as he is to his party’s base.


Another pandering issue. When is he going to understand that the system is broken, that it needs a complete redesign, and that might include raising the retirement age or cutting benefits? Because there is no other way around it. The Baby Boomers contracepted their way out through the Sexual Revolution and now there is no other population to take their place, aside from dismally-paid illegal immigrants. The Nation’s demographics are what they are thanks to Mr. Carville and his generation. Way to go!


Like any other reasonable person, I love clean air. To indicate otherwise is a lie. But how are going to do it? By creating fake exchange markets for energy use that would increase the cost of living and destroy energy production in this country, or by supporting a strong, innovative market capable of creating the knowledge, the tools, and the will to pursue clean energy and manufacture? Does Mr. Carville want to create jobs or send more jobs overseas where emerging countries lack the same strictures that we impose upon our own job-creators?


“Mortality fascinated”? What the heck does that mean? This is the one that originally got me going.Does it mean that to Mr. Carville, that Americans who condemn the “medical” deaths of the unborn, the infirm, and the elderly, that is, those who hold a consistent life ethic are to be feared and held in scorn? This is why I think and firmly believe that people who think like Mr. Carville should not be given any power in our government, much less the ears of those who hold power. I don’t care which party you belong to, if you do not defend the dignity of human life at all stages of development, you do not deserve my trust. Period.

…Wall-Street-protecting …

As if the Democrats don’t have their own protected classes, in Wall Street, in organized labor, and among the glitterati.

Mr. Carville is a hypocrite. He counts on our ignorance, passivity, or indifference not to call his bluff. He should listen to his wife more, retire, go fishing or something. He doesn’t fool anyone any more. For these intentions, I do pray, hear us o’ Lord.