Though not an idiot, I read the first edition of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Islam shortly after 9/11 and found it informative, and even attractive. I come to this book repeteadly as a first-hand reference tool about the tenets of Islam and recommend its reading as a primer to anyone interested in finding out more about Islam from a Muslim-American convert's perspective.
Now, despite the good intentions of the author, the book reaffirmed in my mind that Islamic morality is inferior, that the Ummah's or ulema's claims for Islam as a simple religion is disingenous or even misleading, and they - and the author - seem either unaware or uninterested of the wide body of Christian critical appraisals of Islam in existence.
But, it's not the author's fault that the book didn't have a proselitistic effect upon me nor am I accusing the author of having proselytistic intentions in the book, at least not primarily. The author is not to be blamed for my free conscience exercising a choice for Christ and against Muhammad.
The greatest praise I can give to Imam Yahiya Emmerich is that, if I didn't know who Jesus really is, and had grown in a home with little or no Christianity, before 9/11 I would've found his presentation intriguing and perhaps, persuasive.
All these things considered, this book is a worth reading.
For all Catholics out there, I suggest you read this one for a good counterpoint: Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics.