Frank Schaeffer: “We Need Freedom From Religion Not Just Freedom of Religion”

Brethren, Frank Schaeffer, former Eastern Orthodox and son of famed Evangelical theologian Francis Schaeffer, wrote another hateful piece at the HuffPo that I replied to as follows:

Frank SchaefferI can't believe how deep have you fallen, and how much is ventral hatred what drives you. I pity you.

Be that as it may be, I will not allow you, nor the likes of you tell me, how, where, and when I'm to bring my Christian faith to bear in the public arena. No way, no how, will I allow you nor the nanny state to dictate what I am to teach to my children.

I will oppose you with all good, legitimate ways at my disposal, starting with prayer, for your soul as well as mine. And may your father intercede for you in heaven, where he contemplat­es the Beatific Vision you have repudiated­.

Deverts casting aspersions are all the rage nowadays. Anne Rice did it and now is Mr. Schaeffer’s turn, a man I used to admire and respect. Now they both serve the spirit of Antichrist.

Now more than ever, we must pray, for them, for us, and for the world.