Desert Rose Chile Run / Cruise

Finally the weather gave us a nice break, it actually started as a freezing morning but once the sun started going up it actually sent some warmth our way. So, by 9:00 a.m. I was ready to hit the road, my partners in crime were on their way so it was shaping to be a nice morning. A quick breakfast eggs McMuffins, hash browns, and orange juice with lots of pulp later and we were on our way to the meeting place which in my case was only 10 minutes away.

When I got to Litchfield Rd. and I-10 two cars were already there. After me four more more showed up. We pretty much departed on time. We cruised to a nearby town by the name of Arlington, no not Arlington, Texas but Arlington, Arizona. The Desert Rose Cafe was to host it's annual Chili Cookout. I had done this run many times on the Harley, but this was a first to have cars join the bikers.

We gather promptly at around 10 a.m. on Litchfield and I-10.

This first generation Mustangs are timeless. I love the style and look of them.

Caught this image while waiting for our buddy to catch up with us.

The drive was pretty nice, clear skies, sun out, warm weather by noon, oh yes it was all good. There were vendors, beer gardens, they had an pretty good band playing all day and of course lots of chili. I hate to say this but the lines were too long and the plates too little so I did not eat there, we saved the appetite for later. But we did enjoy a beer and walked around the small venue a few times.

At first I noticed that attendance was low, and I attributed it to the cold weather we had been experiencing but by 1:00 p.m. people that probably decided to go at the last minute started showing up and eventually the place was a sea of leather.

By 1:00 p.m. the place was pretty crowded and if finally looked like a biker run.

The musical group lead singer made mention of how the car clubs were invited this year and mentioned that all he could see were those awesome Mustangs. Then you hear the one, two three, four, and of course they started to sing Mustang Sally.

The driver of the lead car in our group is a medic and while at the Desert Rose he was called by another member to go check out this guy that apparently had passed out. I never really asked him what happened but he came back some four to five minutes later.

We decided to all leave together and instead of heading back towards Phoenix he drove in the opposite direction. A few miles ahead there is a beautiful bridge and at the very end of it we were flagged by some bikers to slow down and stop. There was a down lady biker that apparently had lost control of her bike and was injured.

When we took off in the opposite direction I wondered where we were going, when we got to the accident scene my copilot in crime said, "See, there was a reason we came this way". Yes, our friend in the lead car once again put his skills in good service. We had to stay on the bridge for about half an hour. He kept the rider on the floor and had her pretty secured while we waited for the ambulance. Remember we are in the middle of nowhere and the lady rider whom by the way had complete leathers and full helmet was lucky enough to have a nurse and an experienced medic assisting her.

One of our other members got a blanked off his car to cover the lady rider. When we all left we noticed he stayed behind. About 10 miles ahead we stopped to wait for him. I asked "Why did he stay behind?" and my friend said, he is not about to leave his blanket. It's a really nice Ford Mustang blanket. I too would have waited for it.

I asked my friend, "So, where were we going?" and he said the guys just wanted to see the bridge.

Have you ever heard the term "God works in mysterious ways!"?

All said and done we had an awesome 90 mile round trip cruise and finally got back home at around 5:00 p.m. after we stop for some Chinese Buffet.

Looking forward to the next adventure already.