
Ummmm Pozole... Que Rico!

Grrrrrrrrrrr! Missed a Mustang cruise to Black Canyon City and then back to Scottsdale Pavilions for the Russo & Steele Annual Collector Car Auction preview. Why you ask? Well because I got sick! Yeah it sucks but I hardly ever get sick and with mass on Sunday and my sister and niece away for the weekend I could not afford to not be there, so I stayed home all day Saturday which payed off since I was able to sing, my voice was not there 100% but at least it was there.

Cruising was not to be this time.

After church, my mom invited me to eat some tacos and of course I has happy to accept such an invitation. Back at her house after an hour nap I headed to my sister in law's for pozzole and family time. Nice to be with all my kids and grand kids at the same time. The little ones are already crawling all over the place. How fast. I also delivered some of the Chirstmas presents that I had left at this time.

This one not too in a hurry to get anywhere yet. Taking her time.

This one on the other hand sits, stands, and is almost ready to run. She hates to be carried.

They grow so fast.

Then it was back home and back to bed, little did I know that I would stay in bed until early Tuesday. Yep, Monday finally took me down and I had to take a sick day. But today I feel good and will start recharging my batteries cause Sunday is "Snow Day" and I must be feeling good by then.