Another New Year!

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, zero, ignition...

And here we go again, a new year is here and I have no clue as to what it's going to bring but I am sure that it will be good things for one and all. My new year resolutions are many so I won't even bother to post them here, my resolutions remain with me for safe keeping and careful execution. OK, you twisted my arm, I will share one resolution with you and that is that I intend to continue being the best person I can be to the best of my abilities without going overboard or undermining the effort. Being a plain Joe works for me so I will probably continue to be one.

I am still having a totally different outlook on life, trying hard not to take it for granted, realizing that life is a gift not to be wasted is giving me a new direction and a new sense of being so 2011 let's see where you take me, all I ask is be kind to me and I will be kind to you.

So I have lots of plans on doing fun things with my family and as you all know this is where I highlight and share my family adventures, so stay tuned for some stories and lots of pictures soon.

We will start with "Snow Day" next week. Looking forward to it, should be lots of fun.

Wishing you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year!