Tidbits Time

So my daughter was in need to vent and who better to listen to her than El Daddy~O, yes she received good news that didn't turn out to be so good, needless to say she was not a happy camper so after she vented she asked what's for dinner. Normally that is a question I would ask but since she beat me to it I said enchiladas ala Joe Cool. We needed a couple of ingredients so Michelle went to the store and got me the stuff needed for the sauce.

I still had three Havanero peppers left over from our camping trip and they were still good so when I made the sauce I decided to use them. Since I had never used Havaneros before I decided to only use two instead of the three I had available, I was so glad I did because the sauce came out pretty hot.

The end result was pretty awesome if I may say so myself. The girls really loved them too although Nikki thought they were a little hot. We send a care package to Loyiel whom immediately called me upon finishing his plate and told me that it was not the enchiladas' fault, why did I make them so hot. lol I had to let him know that my enchiladas although hot, they were not that hot, and that he was a wimp.

I'll just call them Havanero enchiladas. Ummm que ricas!

Bottom line, I don't cook often but when I do, watch out.


Last Saturday I went out with the kids and took them to Target. When I got there I parked the van and next to us this awesome Mustang sat there looking a little dirty but other than that it looked pretty awesome. I believe in using your car not putting it in a garage so it doesn't get dirty.

We went into the store, did our shopping and left the store. Then as I get to the van parked right in front of us was this beauty. Do you believe in subliminal messages? Were they trying to tell me something? Ummm got me thinking, I would go and buy me a new Mustang or a newer to Mustang, it doesn't have to be a brand new, I prefer for someone else to take the car's depreciation first.

This baby sit at the same dealer we bought the van and my brother's car. And as I passed the other day it was like it kept calling my name. Oh believe me, I was and still am so tempted. But I will resist.

Instead I am going to finally start fixing mine. I started it today and found out my battery is dead. So it's getting a new battery tomorrow, then it's off to emissions, hopefully it will pass with no problem then off to the transmission shop to get that ugly transmission fluid leak taken care off, then it's off to the upholstery shop to get my rear window installed. After that it will take many cosmetic items here and there but my car will once again look nice, oh yes it will.


And while on the subject of Mustangs, the Copperstate Mustang Club held it's annual Ice Cream Social this Saturday. As always there was plenty of ice cream to go around, and this year we even had corn dogs and brownies. The banana splits and sundaes were a hit, as they had every imaginable fixing available, from the ever popular sprinkles to the chocolate and caramel syrups. Ummm it was all good.

Diego, Alayna, and Savannah posing for me before the sugar rush hit them.

The cockpit on a brand new 2011 Mustang convertible. The leather smell was oh so good.

The kids admiring the older Mustang. Call me sentimental but I am stuck on the Fox Bodied Mustangs.
