Well as you all know by now "Little Joe" is out the crock pot is bravely facing this world. The first of three to come this year. Numero ocho as I affectionately called him before. Nine and ten are soon to follow, and when it's all said and done it will be ten for 2010.
I couldn't be at church on Friday's mass to sing with the choir but I was told that they (the choir) dedicated the performance first to God and then to Ramon Jose. How awesome is that? Mass was at 7:00 pm and he was born at 7:15 pm on St. Joseph's day.
This coming Thursday we will be having a mass and it's dedicated to all moms but specially to all pregnant women. I have invited my daughters to go at leas one has confirmed she will be there. Staying busy obviously has not been an issue with me.
This last two weeks will be our busiest. And for Good Friday we will sing mass completely a Capella, now that will really be interesting but I can't think it will go wrong, the music is inside all of us anyway, so I am really looking forward to it.
Being in the choir is not as much a challenge as I first thought as it is a pleasure just being able to serve and to be a part of it. My sister did tell me I would feel something like that. She wasn't wrong.
He's never led the Benediction
He never sang in the choir
But he's an angel with no halo
And one wing in the fire.