Better get out your hankies, dog lovers.
When our friend Tim was hospitalized with cancer, one great worry among his friends was his dog Podin, who was elderly and big as a Shetland pony. A couple of people tried to foster him, but when he finally was taken back to the land where Tim had lived in his RV, Podin finally seemed satisfied. Then I got this email today from my friend Kris who lives on the same land:
"I just got word that Podin left us a few days ago to be with Tim. He never went far from the house here at Renacimiento, and was found out on the highway. They dug a big hole, as you can imagine, and when I get details will probably mark it with a stone of some sort.
"He did well here and will be missed by all. I remember Tim telling me last year that he thought it would be Podin's last summer; so now they can be together."