I have two projects that mi chica and I had planned and I intend to finish them. The first one is to finish the wall in the den. As you remember when the kids moved out we started re-decorating the house to suit our needs and likes. The entertainment center was pushed back to the den and the wall to the back yard was pretty bare. We wanted a table and a big picture to make a big impact.
So, my daughter's boss printed the image of our family portrait from last year's Thanksgiving on canvas and it was huge. I had pretty good contacts at Hobby Lobby from buying so much from them last year that my framer did most of the labor for free while all I had to do was purchase the custom frame where it would be mounted. It took a while to get done but when I finally got the phone call letting me know it was ready the anticipation was just too much.
I could not believe how big it looked when they carried it off the store for me. To say I was satisfied with it is an understatement. The portrait which has every member in my little family including the three cooking on those crock pots also happens to be the last family picture Sylvia would appear in. As a matter of fact she is the one that pretty much directed the whole photo shoot on that day and as you can see the results were totally awesome.
In honor of her is that this beautiful portrait now regally hangs in our den.
The second part of this project will consit of finishing the area under the portrait. Maybe a table with some cool looking stuff on it. Yeah, I have some good ideas and soon it will be finished.
The second projec was to make her home office as confortable as possible. Well it's now my office and I still intend to make it as confortable as possible. We had an empty wall in front of the desk and as we spend so much time in this office we wanted a TV in it. So I planned this whole shelf that would house all my DVD collection and my die cast car collection. She enthusiastically gave me the thumbs up on the project.
Again thanks to my brother in law who is very handy with wood, he built the custome shelf exactly as I wanted it.
I will post another picuture once the TV goes in.