I was troubled all day yesterday over the decision not to bring Tim home, alternating between aimless fretting and chiding myself that I should just do something on my own to rescue him. Last night my friend C told me about a group of American-funded Franciscan monks here in Guaymas who could supply resources, but not a place to take him.
"Let's just go get him," C urged, but we finally settled on just talking to the Franciscans today, to find out just what they could do for Tim.
My spooky horoscope today:
You may feel like a mother hen as you attempt to care for those in your family or community. But nurturing others can be taken too far, especially if your meddling is unwanted. Acting on your loving feelings could help significantly as long as you aren't sticking your uninvited nose into someone else's business. Don't assume anything today; ask before you eagerly jump in with your assistance.M, a member of Team Tim, spent some time with him at the hospital yesterday and this morning she sent an email to the Team about their conversation. He said "that just being moved from the bed to the chair and back confirmed to him that he was in no condition to leave," and that he is at peace with the decision to spend his last days in the hospital. He is now receiving only pain medications, and he can still drink juice so M brought him a fresh supply.
They talked about "what animal or bird, etc. we would be if we were going to be reincarnated or wanted people to think of us when they saw that creature. He said he would be an Osprey (sea hawk he called it)."
Saturday the Capt and I are going to the hospital, and I've been Googling palliative and "end-of-life" care to see if there's anything I can take to him or do for him while I'm there. This is all so alien to me. Somehow I have lived six decades without ever being in this situation before. But I know there's a gift here somewhere, a pony in this pile of manure.
But for a moment I'll lay aside my shovel and make a wish for all of you:
La paz sea con vosotros
May peace be with you