Fe Update

I'm still digging out from under the avalanche of stress brought on by moving, but I wanted to share this email I got about Fe, the Miracle Pup, who was flown from Phoenix to Massachusetts this week to join her new family.
Yesterday was finally fe-day.
We picked her up yesterday evening. She was in really good shape. Little dazed.
She had a decent night. Had to go out a few times, as she has diarrhea.
but she has met our other dog, and cat, and that is going really well. she is incredibly relaxed with the animals.

Still kind of walking around, trying to figure out what happened.
Thank you so much for putting her on your blog. We are in love, she is just so sweet.

 Top photo, after 26 days of meds, remedial diet and TLC. 2nd photo, Fe, now sporting a glossy coat, gnaws on a new extra-large chewstick while lounging on her own sleeping mat. Now this is the life!