Glimpses of the Burning Man

I've always been curious about the Burning Man happenings. (That's what I call them, being a throwback from the Sixties.) I'd probably go, if
1) I could stand the idea of spending a week camped out in the Nevada desert in September.
2) if I thought I was still wild, crazy and energetic enough to fit in with that geeky/techie/radical/dadaist/stoned-out-of-their-cranium-on-self-expression crowd.
3) if I hadn't just put myself in hock by buying my first home, probably precluding any travel adventures for the next five years.

But I found something that's almost as good, at least for voyeurs who prefer their comfort zone, in this video. It's definitely worth bumping up to full-size to get an idea of the flaming bizarreness of this unique event.

Evolution (Burning Man time lapses) from Delrious on Vimeo.