So our fourth exhibition is in the books, no records were broken but when it was all said and done we had a good day. As always family members made an appearance. As I don't' expect them to buy something every time they come I love to have them there for the moral support and because these exhibitions just make for some good ole family gatherings.
And then there was my younger niece that had already bought a custom frame from us which I called "An Aunts Love", since she is a repeat customer and she will be going back to school she talk me into giving her a student discount as she will be going back to college soon and liked the frame for her dorm.
There were a few other guests that came to see what the fuzz was all about. This lady really liked my newest frame which I named "Send Me a Letter". It's a capture by my daughter in law on her way to Prescott. The shot contained a row of mail boxes that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. I really think it was a very beautiful frame and at the very end of the exhibition as we were saying "Good night" she went for it and claimed it as hers.
So far I have always found support, and good reviews about the work we are doing and promoting. The consensus is that people like to hang something on their walls from someone that they know and from a scene that they can get the story as to how it came to be, rather than buying frames from a store that are mass produced.
On his occasion my niece (the host) and her husband really outdid themselves with the wonderful buffet. A salsa bar, chips, some sort of quesadillas, watermelon, punch, and wine kept us coming back to the kitchen for more. Not only did it taste great but the arrangement was also very pretty. I couldn't have asked for more.
Here are some more pics from the event. Until the next one.
(Thank you Vane for letting me look taller that you in this picture.)