You can tell we don't get out much

Barrack and Michelle do it, why not we?

The Capt and I had a date last night. Actually, a double-date with my blogger friend Ale and her esposo Ulisses, at a popular club in San Carlos called Bananas. Ale had emailed me that she was in the mood for singing, and so was I, so we arranged to meet for Open Mic night and the guys decided to come along and get acquainted.

La guapa Alexandra

Our brave Ale went right up and asked the band to accompany her on a popular song called "Pedro Navanja," a ballad similar to Mac the Knife. Ulisses Googled the lyrics for her on his iPhone Touch and she used it like a cheat sheet, not having all the lyrics memorized. (We are so high tech these days.) If we hadn't known, we wouldn't have guessed, she carried it off with such style.

Not to be outdone, I approached the musicians right after their break and asked to sing "Besame Mucho." The key we settled on turned out to be a little high for me, but I remembered all the lyrics and did a pretty good rendition, considering all the vibrating my knees were doing at the time.

Best of all, the Capt asked me to dance, twice! I was grinning so much my face hurt.