My name is Chica and I'm a ball addict
Speaking of dogs… Our dog Chica would rather play catch with her tennis ball than eat. I have to hide the ball before I can get her to her bowl. She has her own basket of balls, so we never run out.
In the morning while we're having coffee in bed, we take turns playing fetch with Chica. When she goes out, she waits outside the door until I follow with the ball.
Her favorite trick is to catch it midair before it bounces. She is learning to throw it back! When she catches it, she bounces it back to us, with amazing accuracy.
Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer, says the ball fixation is not a good thing, that as her Higher Powers we should intervene and make her give it up, cold turkey if necessary. It should be reintroduced as an occasional treat, not her raison d'etre. If we were walking her properly, at least an hour and a half a day, she'd be too tired to play ball.
But I find her dedication and discipline inspiring. Show her the ball, and nothing else of interest exists for her. You'd think she was in training for the doggie Olympics.