Operation Vanagon Rescue

Phase Two of Operation Vanagon Rescue has been completed.

Phase One was towing the disabled VW Westie 100 mile$$$ north to our blogger friend Nancy's house in Mazatlan and offloading some of its cargo in her garage, after which the Capt. returned home to San Carlos on the bus. Thanks so much, Nancy and Paul, for the stowage space, your hospitality and use of Paul's suitcase for the bus!

Phase Two was driving NOB (north of the border) to pick up the parts needed to fix the blown head gasket, and post an entire bin of snailmail. This trip may have been the fastest turnaround we've made yet: up and back, 400 miles, in two days. We stayed at a friend's mother's house in Tucson so she and I did a quick hunting and gathering expedition to Trader Joe's, Sunflower market, and the GrantStone Asian market. And for Phase Three, the Capt bought a 9x13-foot tent with sewn-in floor.

Phase Three is a return to Mazatlan to get the Vanagon, which is marginally driveable, take it to an RV park on the beach, and put up the tent next to it. Then the Capt will (he hopes) get it running sufficiently to drive it home, with me following along behind in my car, just in case. Some of its cargo will go in my car to lighten the weight in the van. This will take place as soon as we've recovered from Phase Two.

And so it goes. Wish us luck!