Can someone explain to me how is it that someone that clearly outperformed both Danny Gokey and Kris Allen and that apparently was well liked by millions still got booted off American Idol last night. This after she kept getting great performances while Danny and Kris stayed pretty bland and uninteresting.
If Alexis got booted off immediately because of her bad performance, then Danny should have been the one leaving last night. If anybody out there other than his family says his performance of "Dream On" was even a little bit good you know you are lying. That performance was a musical travesty and he most than deserved to leave the show.
Radio and TV stations reach millions, by blog may only reach five of you, but we all agree that Allison leaving AI last night may have nothing to do with Americans voting. I said it before and I'll say it again, something stinks and it is not my socks. Many people including myself have been saying that somehow the voting system is rigged, and in this season that has become more obvious. True or not, many of us won't trust it anymore and I doubt I'll be tuning in next year.
As for this season, out of the three remaining there is only one clear winner. As of yesterday I stopped watching the show, I may tune in three weeks from now just to see Adam be crowned American Idol Season 8 winner, or to see him cheated out of the title. AI in my opinion has lost all it's credibility.