Don't mind me, I'm just a log
Floating in this murky bog
I wouldn't even hurt a frog
And I love yappy little dogs
Check out their blog for a road warrior's viewpoint of traveling in mexico. They've caravanned with other Westies but for the most part have struck out on their own.
Carmen's is directly across the road from a more-or-less fenced-in swamp area where reside any number of crocodiles. Rita told me small dogs are especially at risk in La Manzanilla; in fact, six of them were dinner for the crocs last year. I looked around for our leashes and counted dogs when I heard that.
Driving toward their campsite I saw in the swamp a whole pile of crocs taking the sun. They seem to like getting cozy, just as dogs do. Then I spotted another huge one outside the fenced area lounging only a few yards from the road, where unsuspecting tourists were wandering by. (Gulp!)