Wayne at Isla Mujeres inspired me with his list of things he's thankful for today. So I started my own list, a good antidote for the black funk I sank into yesterday. I may add to it throughout the day as more blessings occur to me.
• The Capt. I'm still in love with him after 20 years, and not just because he's un cachicán muy guapo (a smart, clever and handsome man).
• Music in all its forms. The Mexican church choir I'm singing with in Guaymas is doing an Advent mass tomorrow night and we'll sing Christmas carols in Spanish. And when I came home from rehearsal last night the Capt had set up several new gadgets including a harmonizer that (when we get the hang of it) we can use to create our own electronic choir and orchestra. Some of the effects are amazing. We're working on a Brazilian song called "Tristeza" about banishing sorrow and finding a new life.
• Christmas in Mexico. Posada, villancicos, atole, bunuelos, pinatas, the works.
• The boat. When I've been a lubber for months I tend to forget what a pleasure it is to hoist anchor at the crack of dawn and sail away, or be rocked to sleep in the berth or ride the dinghy to some new unexplored shore.
• Blogging. Well, Wayne, it changed my life too. So many of my friends are people I either have never met f2f or have only gotten acquainted with because I read their blogs. The Internet, which has enabled me to stay in touch with friends like Sue in Oregon, Teresa in Seattle and Wendy in BC and brought me whole worlds of interesting information. The MacIntosh.
• Spanish. I love singing in Spanish, enjoy rolling my R's and I'm delighted when I begin to entender what someone's saying to me. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but we'll see about that.
• My mother is actually getting better! She's using a walker, is able to carry on brief conversations and make new friends, my sister reported yesterday. Mom's best pal is the lady across the hall who's always crawling into other peoples' empty beds for a nap. Kinda gives a whole new meaning to the term "sleeping around."
• Sofia and Chica, our little Maltese-plus buddies.
• Al-Anon, which taught me an attitude of gratitude, how to let go of the bad small stuff and look for the good small stuff.