The high point this morning: we got Mother's CD player working and put on some music -- contemporary gospel -- and she started dancing around (Wish I'd gotten a picture of that!) and singing the lyrics. She remembered a lot of them. Then she started crying, telling me it was because she was happy.
The low point: Even with directional signs and marks lined up for temp control, she still can't use the shower without help. She gets up before dawn and wants a shower right away. If an aide comes in to help her, it wouldn't be that early. I can tell her I want her to wait for the aide, but she'll just forget.
I was lying awake last night thinking of all the ways she could hurt herself in this apartment and getting more and more discouraged. Knives in the drawer, an electric stove, a garbage disposal... Someone knocks and checks on her in the morning and evening, but is that enough?
What is she going to do with herself all day? My sister plans to visit twice a week, take her for outings and do her laundry. There are activities here at BCC, but unless she's escorted to them, she won't go. I know from personal experience how much damage loneliness can do.
Maybe I'm just being a fretmeister. Maybe the evaluation will bring some clarity. Maybe I'm just tired.
LATER: Susie the home care manager has been here and we spent a couple of hours talking over Mother's situation and options. It's looking better for her staying here. Duh, my sis came and disconnected the stove so I can stop worrying about that. The garbage disposal is hardwired in so we'll have to work on that. The aide will start out coming in every morning for an hour, and we'll see if Mom needs more than that.
Susie is even going to contact the church we went to yesterday and see if somebody could take Mother to church (a block away, should be easy) on Sundays, and bring her back home. I hope it'll be somebody warm and friendly. Mother's biggest need seems to be for affection: hugs, strokes, handholding. My sister is so efficient and capable it's scary, but the most that can be expected from her is a perfunctory hug at leavetaking. Nada más.
Giggle of the morning: I came into the bathroom just as Mom was about to squeeze sunblock on her toothbrush.