I used to think I had too many plastic bowls, but never again. Thanks to a frog-strangler of a rain over the last 24 hours we have discovered leaks in every room, a new one just about every couple of hours. One over my new terrabyte hard drive, another over my laptop. One over Sophie's little bed, another over the Capt's keyboard. I'd rather set out plastic bowls instead of pots so we hear "plop plop" instead of "plink plink." There's one "plop, plop" going on near me now that I can't place, and it's driving me to distraction.
So we went next door (we're in a duplex) to talk about solving the roof problem together and found that compared to our neighbors we've had it easy. Joanne woke up last night, rolled over, and squish! She had to spend the rest of the night on the couch.
The photo here shows the water actually receding; it was up over the road about six inches at some point last night; we can see the high-water mark on our tires.
And on the morning net one fellow said he's got three feet of water in his basement, another reported that Guaymas is "a mess." Muchas gracias, Julio...
This rain could last until as late as Friday. Yesterday we were celebrating the coolness and the smell of fresh rain, today we're hunkering down hoping it'll abate soon.
And the great irony? We are getting no water from our taps. Guess I should put a few bowls outside, too, huh?
Meanwhile, back in Oklahoma: the Home Health Aide didn't show up this morning and my mom was found wandering the halls in her nightgown. Considering her front door is only a few yards from the building entrance, we could count it as another miracle she didn't end up on the street. That does it, we're going to the next level of care.