Well, if they were "stunned" they were the only ones that were. Almost everyone else following the issue were not. The malaise infecting the LCWR-affiliatedcongregations is well-known. The facts described by the CDF were substantiated, and the LCWR objections to the Apostolic Visitation that resulted in the CDF's assessment were very public and recalcitrant. Perhaps they weren't expecting the sudden "sunshine" brought upon them by the also very public release of this assessment. What is good for the goose, is good for the gander I always say.
Let us pray that the Holy Spirit be the one who leads the renewal of the LCWR congregations through those pastors and witnesses designated by the Holy Father, and that the crisis in LCWR and affiliated congregations be brought to a happy end, and their membership may again enjoy a fully authentic legitimate Catholic religious life in conformity with the Church's normative doctrine.
* Access the Doctrinal Assessment of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.
* Access the statement by Cardinal William Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on this matter.