Now what? Where do we go from here? Last year was definitely a good year, it was fun, it was exciting, I certainly broke the record for trips to California, I fell in love, I got engaged, reworked my life, got rid of most of my possessions, lost my job of 21 years, and enjoyed life as it is being thrown at me. To me there is no other way, those of you that have known me for a long time already know that I no longer take things for granted, but I do enjoy what it is granted to me, I am still a simple man with simple goals and no unnecessary expectations, I have had good teachers and mentors in my life that have shown me that expecting less and enjoying more is the key.
So now we are already into the new year and with it come some very needed life fine tuning. As I continue my quest towards a new beginning with the woman I love I have to keep archiving my past and setting that clean slate that from this day forth will be filled with new dreams, hopes, and memories. The archives will be closed but as always readily available.
So finding a new job is now top priority on the agenda, after being in management most of my working life I would now like to find a job where I don't have to be the one calling the shots, I already have enough white hair and even though I consider myself to be fairly stress free it does take it's toll when all the responsibilities ultimately fall on your shoulders and when things go wrong you have to be the one putting your face out there. I think for once I would just like to worry about me and that's it. Don't get me wrong, I am a team player but what I mean is I just want to worry about my performance and not everybody else's.

Finding the funds for the upcoming wedding is also going to be priority one, but that will be right after I find a job, so with that said I ask everyone of you out there to give me a holler if you hear of anything out there and also to say a prayer on my behalf so I don't get too many rejections. I know it's a tough world out there these days so I will go out there with that in mind and I do expect it to be a tough hunt with plenty of competition.
I started a "To Do" list last year, sort of a honey do list but longer, lol. I have done very well in achieving and completing the tasks in the list and I am finding out that I like having it. I named it "Jose's very big to do list" so you can just imagine, I cross one task on it but add a couple more. Having the list just keeps reminding me that I can't deviate from it or it will get insanely long.
I have found out these past two years that I am in fact a smart man and I don't need to live my life in survival mode, I have always been like my mom when it comes to money and it is not hard for me to live on a budget and to stay within the budget. Thankfully I know how to live very little so that is a big plus. I can handle stress easier than most and people tend to confuse this with me being nonchalant but trust me I am not. I have never been nor I intend to ever be a conformist, I just don't like to live above my means, been there done that and I don't want it thank you very much.
So, all I am saying is that I think I learned a lot last year and now I am totally ready for this 2012 to start unfolding, so wish me luck and I promise I will keep you all posted as the events unfold.
Those of you that have been a daily part of my life I thank you and ask you to please don't abandon me as I need all the good vibes you all can send my way. Love ya all.