Geez, there are some who don’t like me very much…

Brethren, Peace and Good to in Jesus Our Lord. As I was saying, case in point published elsewhere last April:

And this is what I left in their comm-box:

Oh no! I've been discovered! "Un-closeted" in a manner of speaking.

A great exposé, but if you had ask me if I had been actively involved with NOM's team in the past - No longer, I'm involved on another project - I would've told you. Yes, there was nothing to hide. And also yes, I support NOM, its President, and the organization's objectives.

Also, the Church's objections to the culpable practice of homosexuality have been there from they one, and I accept them and propagate them as fully conformable with the nature and end of all human beings, and opposed to the ideological constructs proposed by homosexualist theorists and their pursuit of redefining or doing away with human nature altogether. But that should not come as a surprise either. I am a Catholic Christian, and as for me and my house, we serve the Lord.

I know I am not gaining any brownie points by restating what you already know. But that's the point, there are no news in this "exposé". Every thing you read here is what you would expect to come from an observant orthodox Christian. Sure, in our society we're rapidly becoming a minority and also, a persecuted minority at that! But no matter, with God's grace, we will continue to give witness to Him even in places (or comboxes) where angels may fear to thread.

I appreciate the mention, the link, and the momentary increase in my page traffic this chat caused. I apologize for my delay in acknowledging this thread, but as I've said. I've been busy.

Our is a vigorous disagreement from polar opposite worldviews. As an actor in a free society, I welcome the disagreement despite my complete and total opposition to your viewpoint. As a son of God and brother of Christ, I ask also for your forgiveness, and I, a sinner too, also dare pray for all of you.


What else could I do? Oh yes, pray a lot, and pray this particularly:

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen

And go on, in Christ’s name.


But some people do like Vivificat:

May the Lord bless ‘em richly!