This is my granddaugher number six, this image was captured by my daughter during Alayna's kindergarden graduation. Rapuzel here with me was mad cause she wanted to share the limelight with her sister but couldn't. She so wants to be in kindergarden already. Notice Rapunzel is carrying her twin too. For a long time this little girl would not let anybody get near me or hug me because she would scream extremely loud, as far as she was concerned I was hers and only hers. She now refers of me as "Her #1 grandpa"
Conversation between my daugher and Rapunzel:
Michelle: Your grandpa is coming over
Rapunzel: Grandpa? My number one grandpa!
Michelle: Yes, that one.

This was taken on her graduation day. I had not enjoyed a graduation ceremony as much as I enjoyed hers. Half an hour concert by a bunch (about 50 or so) kindergarteners. They were super entertaining and they sung better than most grown ups.
She was just too happy with her roses and princess balloon and happy cause she will be going into first grade. Sometimes she thinks she is a grown up already.

My daughter has got to be nuts but I won't tell her and don't you tell her I said that either. But really who in their right mind would have nine out of my ten grandkids at her house for a sleepover. Yep, if you guessed Michelle then you were right. You need to have a lot of patience and of course a husband like hers whom will scare the heck out of all of them and keep them in line.