Brethren: another outstanding piece by one of my favorite Catholic writers, over at National Review Online. Here’s an excerpt:
Ecclesiastes notwithstanding, there is something new under the sun in the annals of American anti-Catholicism; and that something is the rise of the anti-Catholic Catholics, self-described Catholics who make a career (or at least part of a career) out of mounting endless attacks on the Church, its settled beliefs, its leadership, and its people. Like the Nast/rationalist anti-Catholicism of the past, today’s Catholic anti-Catholicism is a left-of-center phenomenon that, in secular guise, often reflects the critiques of the Church mounted by so-called “Catholic progressives”: The Church is hopelessly sexist; the Church is hopelessly sex-obsessed; the Church is cruel to women and gays; the Church is hypocritical. And, of course and most recently, the Church is a global criminal conspiracy of child rapists and their abettors, which “fact” validates the other charges in the standing indictment just cited.
Read it all here.
Comments. Mr. Weigel goes on to explain how NYT house Catholic Maureen Dowd fits the description perfectly. I think that Maureen is getting more strident in her mature years to compensate for her dwindling influence and growing irrelevance. She’s come to epitomize to me the worst aspects of the Me Generation. I pray for her prompt retirement so that she could see the consequences of the anti-culture she has helped bring about upon her grandchildren.