Brethren, according to the blog Titus One Nine, hosted by the Reverend Canon Doctor Kendall Harmon, Fr. Al Kimel, who once was an Episcopal priest, and then was received in the Catholic Church, has again moved and this time to Eastern Orthodoxy. Apparently he was ordained last Pentecost Sunday as a Western Rite priest in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR). Father Kimel was a frequent commentator and a guest writer here in Vivificat,and once had his own, highly-regarded blog. The news comes as a shock to many of his admirers, Catholic as well as Episcopalian. (I am also shocked to learn that the ROCOR has Western Rite parishes, but that’s another subject). I hope that Fr. Kimel let us know his reasoning in the future by whatever means he chooses. I wish him well, pray that he has found what he was looking for, and mourn his exit from the One,Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church built over Peter and his unique successors in the Roman See.