Still Brrrrrrrrr-ing today.


Question: Why do I live in Phoenix, Arizona?

Answer: So I don't have to go through and endure cold weather.

So why am I freezing my butt for the second day in a row. This is Phoenix, we are not used to this, heck for me anytime the temperature drops under 70 degrees it's already too cold. So even though I am all bundled up the coldness is still creeping through. Just an FYI, I don't like it one bit, if I did I would be living somewhere in the east coast.

Yes, I realize I am whining and that our cold does not compare to that of some of you but again this is Phoenix, this is the valley of the sun and to me sun should equals warmth and heat, and in a nutshell warmth and heat is why I live here to begin with.

Yes, today this is Phoenix attire, but some of you may think I live in Alaska. No seriously, this is definitely something we are not used to here so I have to make a big fuss about it.

After my morning coffee, a nice warm tea was in order to warm up the good ol stomach. I say it needed lemon, honey, and tequila to make it taste good but since I was at work I had to just take it plain. I am not a big tea drinker but this morning it did the trick.

I am dreading to see my plants and bushes at home, I am sure many of them will not be able to withstand the cold weather. But we will see. I am hoping the will.

Are you all as wimppy as I am when it comes to cold weather?