The same go for my friends. It's funny but as I have mentioned before 98% of my friends are virtual friends that I have met through this machine over the last few years. I have quite a few friends that I have been in touch with for well over four years and yet have never met in person. Friends that I can visit and hang around with are pretty much non existent, so this year I hope to meed some more of you out there, just like I met my dear friend Wanda last, or Betty and Lana two years ago. These are three of my dearest blogger friends which I met on line and had the pleasure of meeting in person as well.
One of the best decisions I made last year was to join our church choir. If my sister would have told me how time demanding and what a big commitment it was maybe I would have shied away but the truth is that I have enjoyed every minute of it. Of course it helps that our priest is by far one of the most eloquent and well educated around. There is not a service that I won't leave thinking wow I did learn something new today that will help me be a better person. God is good to me every single day and I am just trying to show Him that I am thankful.
Love, what would my life be without it? I have learned over the years to suppress hate. Hate is no good and has no room in my life. Think possitive and allow goodness in your life and you'll see how easy it is to find love even in all the wrong places. Let love in your life and you'll see how easy it is to show a genuine appreciation for it.
LIfe, we only get one of it so use it wisely. It is wonderful as it is fragile and once gone it will never come back. So as I sit here thinking how blessed I am I can't help but want the same for all of you my family and friends out there.
Love ya all.