
Saturday was a day for getting out and meeting friends, getting hugs and new ideas. First we headed over to the monthly mariners' swap meet, where I saw a number of people who've been gone for months, including Stephanie, who's back from a summer in France where they lived in a village devoted to wine-producing. Talk about your French immersion experience!  And! We found a propane stovetop with a built-in grill to replace the bulky stove and oven on the boat.

Bonus sighting! Linda Lou and her lavish Glass Pond jewelry
Then I hurried down to the annual crafts fair at the marina (a benefit for Rescate, our local medical rescue service). Que sorprisa! There was Linda Lou from Alamos, a blogger I've been following for a couple of years, and never got to meet before. Her table was laden with gorgeous fused glass jewelry she makes in her Glass Pond Studio, and after all this time of hankering for a piece I had a chance to buy one. Uh oh! I was supposed to meet the Capt and some friends at the Marina Cantina for lunch, already running late and here I was bedazzled with choices...  they were all so beautiful it was a hard decision!

I mentioned to Linda that I'm working with a group of people to start a shelter for stray dogs and cats here, and she told me there's one already established in Alamos. I'm hoping to interest some of my group in driving down to see what they've developed, get some ideas and find out how they manage to support their shelter. We don't need to reinvent the wheel...