Owners of this dog thought it would be a clever move to speed by a gringo RV park at 60 mph and toss him out of the back of their pickup, probably hoping to avoid identification. Or out of shame.
Residents at Tecalai Park saw him land on the road and took him in long enough to contact Kristin at the Canine Center for emergency rescue. Kristin treated him for ticks and fleas and is now keeping him quarantined in her doggie play area, but will have to find a foster home at least for 14 days, since she boards dogs and can't risk exposing them to him until he's been evaluated by the vet. Medical bills and food will be paid for. He has an injured tail (broken?) and infections of the eyes and ears. At probably less than a year old he looks like he'll be a big dog, but is friendly and affectionate. He walks well on a leash, doesn't threaten other dogs and even though he had to be kept isolated he didn't whine or bark.
With this added responsibility it would be easy for Kristin to resent the careless humans who dumped this dog, but she says, "Sometimes it's the best thing that can happen for these guys. He now has the chance to find a loving home and he will certainly get the medical care he needs."
P.S. Miracles are still happening. The abandoned family of pups and mother that I posted about last week have all been adopted but for one little black female. The mom is going to Tucson! No, I am not taking credit this time, but it's one more thing to be grateful for.
Branch Water Tavern
I’ve been so *stupidly* busy lately that I haven’t even had time to tell you how much I’m enjoying the new Branch Water Tavern. This speakeasy-like restaurant (read: dimly-lit with a kick-ass bar) replaces the old Cue & Cushion on Shepherd near Feagan.
Replaces the Cue & Cushion -- Ha! I just like saying that.
Anyway, go there. It’s centrally located, yet far enough from Washington that the DBs haven’t discovered it. And when you do go, get the chicken fried oysters. I might have turned my nose up a touch when I read this on the menu, but the resulting dish is perfectly sinful. Rich, meaty oysters are lightly battered and chicken fried; they go down the hatch tasting a heckuva lot like buffalo wings, only a jabillion times better. Asdlkgjlsdkjg!

The charcuterie plate cannot compete with the betters around town and the mussels were overly fishy in a disjointed broth, but the remaining apps -- like prosciutto-arugula rolls and bacon-wrapped prawns under a poached egg -- are duly impressive.

The table favorite of the mains was the slow-cooked snapper, served with a flourish in a plastic bag that’s cut right open at your table. When the steam clears, you’ve got a mild and flaky fish, lightly flavored with complex Provencal herbs. Delicious. And ‘tis the season for Santa’s venison. The one at Branch Water is a tender delight -- beautifully cooked and with a sprinkle of salt in a huckleberry sauce -- but I wish it came with more of the lovely butternut squash and wintery Brussels sprouts served diminutively alongside.

In other news, you might have noticed that I’ve been writing for the food blog at The Houston Press. It's been fun and challenging, but means that I’ve been updating this bad boy much less frequently. I’m enjoying it, *except* for the fact that they don’t use the serial comma. I am semi-obsessed with the serial comma -- and quite loud about it, too -- but will attempt to reconcile my differences to promulgate a positive working relationship.
Place your bets, fools.
Replaces the Cue & Cushion -- Ha! I just like saying that.
Anyway, go there. It’s centrally located, yet far enough from Washington that the DBs haven’t discovered it. And when you do go, get the chicken fried oysters. I might have turned my nose up a touch when I read this on the menu, but the resulting dish is perfectly sinful. Rich, meaty oysters are lightly battered and chicken fried; they go down the hatch tasting a heckuva lot like buffalo wings, only a jabillion times better. Asdlkgjlsdkjg!

The charcuterie plate cannot compete with the betters around town and the mussels were overly fishy in a disjointed broth, but the remaining apps -- like prosciutto-arugula rolls and bacon-wrapped prawns under a poached egg -- are duly impressive.

The table favorite of the mains was the slow-cooked snapper, served with a flourish in a plastic bag that’s cut right open at your table. When the steam clears, you’ve got a mild and flaky fish, lightly flavored with complex Provencal herbs. Delicious. And ‘tis the season for Santa’s venison. The one at Branch Water is a tender delight -- beautifully cooked and with a sprinkle of salt in a huckleberry sauce -- but I wish it came with more of the lovely butternut squash and wintery Brussels sprouts served diminutively alongside.

In other news, you might have noticed that I’ve been writing for the food blog at The Houston Press. It's been fun and challenging, but means that I’ve been updating this bad boy much less frequently. I’m enjoying it, *except* for the fact that they don’t use the serial comma. I am semi-obsessed with the serial comma -- and quite loud about it, too -- but will attempt to reconcile my differences to promulgate a positive working relationship.
Place your bets, fools.
As Christmas Nears

Our Thanksgiving celebration was really nice, it is a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by all my family and even a few friends. The rest of my family got together at my sister's but my little family core is already too large and too loud, with seven grand kids many of them under the age of five things can get chaotic fairly fast.
Thanksgiving is the day set aside from the year to reflect and to give thanks for what we have, for what we accomplished, for what we love. These days the Thanksgiving Celebration is being overshadowed by the commercialization of Christmas, but truth be told, there are many of us wanting to extend the Christmas season just a little longer. After all, Christmas does bring the best in most people, aside the never ending amounts of food, and the ever present commercials and ads, people tend to be nicer that they would normally be during the rest of the year.
Thanksgiving being a special day all on its own has come to be the kick off to the Christmas Season. Most of us will start assembling Christmas trees the very next day. Mi chica and I decided on a real tree this year so we will wait until December to get it but the Christmas decorations went up the Friday after Thanksgiving. I am already in that warm fuzzy feeling associated with Christmas.
Yes, the presents and the food is a nice and important part of the Christmas season but I prefer the part where people warm up to each other. Goodwill, compassion, and most importantly love are the least expensive and yet the most important gifts we can give each other.
I am so looking forward to the remaining days of the year. I am ready and willing to share them and enjoy them to the max, and you all are invited. Be a part of my Christmas, and allow me to be a part of yours, that will be the best gift.
How about you? Are you ready to find out about the reason for the season?
Garage Cleaning
Garage Cleaning Phase I -- Check!

Disaster zone! And a lot of stuff was out already since the guys moved out.
Yeah, this was the biggest project I had for my vacation and Phase I was done on Tuesday. I would have advance a little more but mi chica got sick and I had to go pick her up.
In any case, we can now park all three cars and my bike inside once again, and now it's just a matter of getting rid of more stuff by process of eliminations and a little of "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe". At least the pre-cleaning allowed me to find the boxes mi chica needed to start decorating the house and make it feel Christmasy. (More on that on a future post.)
The goal is to have the garage as empty as I can possibly have it. No more using it as a storage place for stuff that will most likely sit there for ever and ever amen. For now I am happy but not satisfied with the immediate results. I think I will use my Saturday mornings to continue sorting out what's in there and trashing/giving away what needs to be trashed or what can be recycled and reused.

What a mess! Where to start? Where to start?

Here is the before.

And here is the after.

Now you know why I had no frames in my house walls. They were all out in the garage.

With this image I tell you that I am officially tired and have a backache.
So, what do you think? It does look good in there now, doesn't it? Next week I'll be starting Phase II, but until then continue having a great Thanksgiving weekend.
Yeah, this was the biggest project I had for my vacation and Phase I was done on Tuesday. I would have advance a little more but mi chica got sick and I had to go pick her up.
In any case, we can now park all three cars and my bike inside once again, and now it's just a matter of getting rid of more stuff by process of eliminations and a little of "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe". At least the pre-cleaning allowed me to find the boxes mi chica needed to start decorating the house and make it feel Christmasy. (More on that on a future post.)
The goal is to have the garage as empty as I can possibly have it. No more using it as a storage place for stuff that will most likely sit there for ever and ever amen. For now I am happy but not satisfied with the immediate results. I think I will use my Saturday mornings to continue sorting out what's in there and trashing/giving away what needs to be trashed or what can be recycled and reused.
So, what do you think? It does look good in there now, doesn't it? Next week I'll be starting Phase II, but until then continue having a great Thanksgiving weekend.
Meet Blanche
I had a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, in spite of our domestic tsunami. Neighbors invited me for dinner and we all trooped through their magnificent house for a tour. The best part is the huge circular kitchen, built around a vast round island (how do they clean the middle?) They said I was welcome to come back and take photos of their spectacular view, which kept me mesmerized all afternoon.
Most of the week I was in Arizona, where I bought a Nissan Quest minivan on Craigslist, part of a scheme for doing some traveling with my girls next year. Next Year?! Look out, 2010 is almost upon us!
I decided the best antidote for the Christmas blues was to concentrate on a plan or two, get out my Atlas and plot a few courses for expeditions in Mexico and later when it thaws out, the US. I have two sisters and a mother* to visit, friends in the Northwest, and antique store owners who have never seen our map guide.
The Quest is the most scaled-down van I've ever seen, hardly bigger than an ordinary sedan, and just as easy to drive. The rebuilt engine has only 35,000 miles on it, so for a 1999 it has plenty of years left. No serious dings on the body, the only paint scratches are on the back bumper, and inside it looks almost new. The plan is to pull out the middle two seats and install a small bed, maybe with storage space underneath, since there's no trunk.
I think I'll name her Blanche. We'll get by with the kindness of strangers and a little help from our friends.
*About Mom: not only is she now able to take half-mile walks around the lake at the assisted living home where she lives, but she can read again! My sister gave her some of my old letters from decades ago. Imagine that: my sis actually kept my old letters. I feel like giving her a big hug.
Most of the week I was in Arizona, where I bought a Nissan Quest minivan on Craigslist, part of a scheme for doing some traveling with my girls next year. Next Year?! Look out, 2010 is almost upon us!
I decided the best antidote for the Christmas blues was to concentrate on a plan or two, get out my Atlas and plot a few courses for expeditions in Mexico and later when it thaws out, the US. I have two sisters and a mother* to visit, friends in the Northwest, and antique store owners who have never seen our map guide.
The Quest is the most scaled-down van I've ever seen, hardly bigger than an ordinary sedan, and just as easy to drive. The rebuilt engine has only 35,000 miles on it, so for a 1999 it has plenty of years left. No serious dings on the body, the only paint scratches are on the back bumper, and inside it looks almost new. The plan is to pull out the middle two seats and install a small bed, maybe with storage space underneath, since there's no trunk.
I think I'll name her Blanche. We'll get by with the kindness of strangers and a little help from our friends.
*About Mom: not only is she now able to take half-mile walks around the lake at the assisted living home where she lives, but she can read again! My sister gave her some of my old letters from decades ago. Imagine that: my sis actually kept my old letters. I feel like giving her a big hug.
Thanksgiving, we set one day out of the year for this but giving thanks should actually be a daily ritual, there has to be something everyday for which we are thankful for. The air that we breathe, the world that we live in, the freedom we have, but most importantly the gift of being alive. What a concept, being alive, definitely something worthy enough to be thankful on a daily basis. Thank you dear God for giving us that precious gift.
Yet on our daily routines there has to be many other things worthy of our thanks. How about, thanks for the best wife I can have, the most loving mom, the greatest family in town, three wonderful kids that are not so young anymore, and seven precious grand kids. Thanks for my health, my food, my friends, my job, my house, my car, my bike, the things that matter and the ones that don't.
I can probably sit here and think of an infinite list of things I am thankful for, life is too short to not be thankful, and for every "bad" that we can encounter just be thankful that you didn't get a "worse".
"Thank you" is such an easy phrase but to some to hard to express. Find it, use it, mean it, embrace it, love it, who knows it may just be contagious.
So from me to all of you out there. I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and hope that you will spend it with the ones you love.
So once in every year we throng
Upon a day apart,
To praise the Lord with feast and song
In thankfulness of heart.
~Arthur Guiterman, The First Thanksgiving
A Family Collage
I had been wanting to put a collage of frames together and last Saturday I thought I would start. Ha! Once I started I could not stop, I already had some frames put together and had them put away not really knowing where to put them so I decided to use a wall in the hall that proved to be just the perfect size.
I used twelve pictures that mean a lot to me and that in fact tell a story. Well isn't that what pictures do? Pictures tell a story and trigger lot of memories.
The top left corner and the bottom right corner images are of my daughter Nikki. Nikki is a great makeup artist, on the top image she put on heavy makeup and then added some stars to her cheeks, while on the bottom image she turned a picture of herself into a vector image which gives the cartoony look.
The second picture has my brother in law and mi chica celebrating a birthday when they were kids. This is a wonderful picture and it shows how pretty mi chica was when she was little. Right below there is picture of Diego and I sporting our cool sun shades and looking cool as ever.
The following picture I had it made last year and gave it to mi chica as a Christmas present. The collage has all of our seven grand kids in it. It will have to be updated next year as we will have three more making it ten for 2010.
Next, my daughter Nikki drew Diego when he was one year old, it was his first Christmas and he was wearing his Christmas outfit. I don't know why my daughter doesn't draw more often, she can do it beautifully and has a lot of talent.
Bottom left, mi chica's sister in law had a and old 5 X 7 family picture and we borrowed it. I had it enlarged to an 8 X 10 framed it and gave it to mi chica, she really loved the way it came out. The tiny frame has a picture of my dad when he was young. Pretty cool picture too. And right below my dad there's another drawing. This one was done by my little sister and it has my son when he was about six years old with ET. First time he watched that movie he was afraid but like every other child he eventually fell in love with the little extra terrestrial. My son is now 31 years old so this drawing has to be at least 25 years old.
Diego is in the next picture and right above him a picture of my three kids. Last but not least a picture of my mother in law on her wedding day. My mother in law left way too soon but I am sure she is one of those shinning stars above that has blessed mi chica and I with such a wonderful family.
My Mom's Portrait
If you are getting bored with the current theme on my posts just let me know, I don't know that I'll change it but at least I'll know what's on your mind.
My family knows it all too well but some of you my readers already found out that after nine years of living in this house I had no frames and no art hanging on my walls. There is one frame in my room that has my first three grand kids and a big nice frame mi chica bought when we first moved in, but other than that I had nothing so I am pretty excited these days as I am finally hanging stuff that means something to me and that is not mass produced and store bought.
Mi chica pretty much has left it all to me and she is pretty much in tune with what I am putting up so even though this is only the beginning I think I have enough to give you guys a virtual expo of what my walls are looking like thus far.
First is my mom's portrait. This portrait is not painted but burned in a piece of leather. It was done by a Mexican artist but unfortunately I don't have her name, she happened to be a customer of a dry cleaners business where my mom worked for a while. My mom had it folded and put away in an old suitcase and had had it for many years before I pleaded and begged for her to let me have it.
When I used to live in L.A. I worked for seven years for a lighting store at the Pacific Design Center in Beverly Hills and walking through all those showrooms with state of the art furniture and stuff always gave me ideas of what I would like. A salesman at the store and dear friend of ours was an art connoisseur and avid collector and when I showed him the portrait of my mom he knew exactly where to take it for me and how to have it framed. I knew nothing so I totally agreed with his advice and expertise.
The piece of leather then was mounted into a white backing without being cut or altered in any way, shape, or form and a lucite box was custom built to house it. The box is made of a very strong acrylic material and there's a space between the piece of leather and the acrylic. I remember asking him if it would get scratched over time, he said probably but it will have to be a very long time. It has now been over 25 years since the portrait was framed and three weeks ago I cleaned the frame before I hung it on the wall and it looked as if I had just picked it up from the framer. I now know he knew what he was talking about.
The custom work was very pricey for a then 22-year old warehouse employee even considering that it was specially priced for my friend but it was totally worth it. This frame is still going to be with us for a long, long time and I don't have to fear it is going to fall appart anytime soon.
Surfing Bliss
Here's a blog I haven't seen before, a mother of four living in Xilitla, Mexico. Quite a sense of humor, even when discussing an infuriating problem with marriage to a Mexican hombre. Her blog title is Searching Bliss and I'm adding her to my bloglist. Check her out.
Oh, and then there's My Food Bliss, obviously a recipe blog. Inspiring.
Oh, and then there's My Food Bliss, obviously a recipe blog. Inspiring.
Turning an audience into a piano
If you admire Bobby McFerrin like I do, just watch his neuroscience demo, "Talking About Expectations."
He'll wake up your inner child.
He'll wake up your inner child.
My Friday
Took Friday off as the beginning of my vacation and spent it with mi chica. The day started with an 8:00 a.m. appointment with the doctor, we got there on time and in less than a rooster sings we were out. She had another appointment with another doctor but that was at 10:00 a.m. So she took me to breakfast at Mimi's Cafe.
I had never been there but let me tell you I really dig this place, the athmosphere was great, the place is awesome, the decor kept me looking at every wall (collecting lots of ideas) and the food was affordable and best of all it was very good. I know I'll be going back soon.
We finished with just enough time to make it to her appointment. There the wait was longer but once inside it only took like five minutes. So, now we are done and we are fed so what to do, I know let's go to my favorite store Khol's, I really like this store and always find clothes I like. Today everything and I mean everything in the store was on sale, I bought two jackets I had seen before but thought were expensive at half price, how awesome is that?
Mi chica bought a bunch of other things all at great prices, and great savings. We finally got home at past 1:00 p.m. Oh but not before stopping at Wally World for a few items. There I found out I don't know how to use the self pay machines, so I will only use those when I go by myself to keep practicing.
In the afternoon we went to Manny's for dinner and karaoke but took three of the grankids and that was not a good idea. That's OK we learn as we go. lol
So, I'll be off all next week and I'm sure I'll be working around the house. Cleaning the garage is the biggest priority and I'm sure I'll be blogging about the before and after. So stay tunned.
Tomorrow is Sindi and Chir's baby shower, so that will be another nice family gathering we'll be having so stay tunned for that too.
Have a terrific weekend.
I had never been there but let me tell you I really dig this place, the athmosphere was great, the place is awesome, the decor kept me looking at every wall (collecting lots of ideas) and the food was affordable and best of all it was very good. I know I'll be going back soon.
We finished with just enough time to make it to her appointment. There the wait was longer but once inside it only took like five minutes. So, now we are done and we are fed so what to do, I know let's go to my favorite store Khol's, I really like this store and always find clothes I like. Today everything and I mean everything in the store was on sale, I bought two jackets I had seen before but thought were expensive at half price, how awesome is that?
Mi chica bought a bunch of other things all at great prices, and great savings. We finally got home at past 1:00 p.m. Oh but not before stopping at Wally World for a few items. There I found out I don't know how to use the self pay machines, so I will only use those when I go by myself to keep practicing.
In the afternoon we went to Manny's for dinner and karaoke but took three of the grankids and that was not a good idea. That's OK we learn as we go. lol
So, I'll be off all next week and I'm sure I'll be working around the house. Cleaning the garage is the biggest priority and I'm sure I'll be blogging about the before and after. So stay tunned.
Tomorrow is Sindi and Chir's baby shower, so that will be another nice family gathering we'll be having so stay tunned for that too.
Have a terrific weekend.
Gotta start somewhere
Yesterday I met Placido, a local Mexican contractor who's going to help me transform this place, poco a poco. He was referred to me by Linda and Rich, a snowbird couple who have separate condos just up the walk from me. They remind me of Frieda Kahlo and Diego Rivera with their separate-but-equal Blue House. They've been here since 1995 and have transformed their abodes into glossy spreads out of Sunset Magazine. A pair of real "just-so" fanatics. I learned a lot, getting tours of both condos, but had to overcome a little letdown when I came back home and looked around at mine.
But wait! 1995... that's 14 years ago! Gee, maybe I could accomplish a few improvements, given 14 years.
And with the help of Placido, of course. This gentleman really lives up to his name. He's in his thirties, with a wide, tranquil face and gentle eyes, very patient with my many questions and not at all pushy with his ideas. After I walked him around and showed him the many things I was concerned about, we came up with a wish list, and he sat down and toted up prices. Not so bad, I thought, looking it over. Linda says one of the things she likes about Placido is that when he names a price, he sticks to it.
So next week he will come in and begin painting a sealer on the brick inside, so that it won't erode any further. Then I have to decide whether to leave the brick natural, or paint it. That's what Linda did, in bright Mexican colors. She says she feels like she's living inside a Talavera bowl, with all the spectacular chrome yellow, orange, purple and indigo blue.
Also crucial is termite treatment and replacement of the wood those voracious little insects have devoured. Yuck! There's very little wood in these buildings, other than trim, cabinetry and furniture, but termites tunnel through the brick to get to the wood. Mexican termites are tiny, but have huge appetites. Part of the sealing process will involve plugging the little holes in the bricks where they travel.
To replace the flimsy sliding glass back door that slips off its track all the time, a real door, framed with glass brick on each side, will be my Christmas present to myself.
Then I'll have a new front door put in, since the one I have is so cracked and fits its frame so poorly I can see daylight through it, and an easy kick would bust it open. Painted my favorite color, teal blue.
We talked about building a ramada (basically a roof, with the sides left open) for the back patio, since my washer and dryer reside there. Mine won't be as rustic as this one, shown in Sunset Magazine, since the condo association has to approve it. But then, this one probably wouldn't survive hurricane winds, would it?
So for the next year all my shopping will be at the ferreteria (hardware store) or the taller de pintura (paint store). Any money I spend, that's where it'll go.
Anybody got any recipes for beans and rice?
P.S. The article about the ramada says the Indian who built it rubbed motor oil into the supports to discourage termites.
But wait! 1995... that's 14 years ago! Gee, maybe I could accomplish a few improvements, given 14 years.
And with the help of Placido, of course. This gentleman really lives up to his name. He's in his thirties, with a wide, tranquil face and gentle eyes, very patient with my many questions and not at all pushy with his ideas. After I walked him around and showed him the many things I was concerned about, we came up with a wish list, and he sat down and toted up prices. Not so bad, I thought, looking it over. Linda says one of the things she likes about Placido is that when he names a price, he sticks to it.
So next week he will come in and begin painting a sealer on the brick inside, so that it won't erode any further. Then I have to decide whether to leave the brick natural, or paint it. That's what Linda did, in bright Mexican colors. She says she feels like she's living inside a Talavera bowl, with all the spectacular chrome yellow, orange, purple and indigo blue.
Talavera pottery
The brick outside will also have to be done, too, of course. Preferably before next summer's rainy season.Also crucial is termite treatment and replacement of the wood those voracious little insects have devoured. Yuck! There's very little wood in these buildings, other than trim, cabinetry and furniture, but termites tunnel through the brick to get to the wood. Mexican termites are tiny, but have huge appetites. Part of the sealing process will involve plugging the little holes in the bricks where they travel.
To replace the flimsy sliding glass back door that slips off its track all the time, a real door, framed with glass brick on each side, will be my Christmas present to myself.
Then I'll have a new front door put in, since the one I have is so cracked and fits its frame so poorly I can see daylight through it, and an easy kick would bust it open. Painted my favorite color, teal blue.
We talked about building a ramada (basically a roof, with the sides left open) for the back patio, since my washer and dryer reside there. Mine won't be as rustic as this one, shown in Sunset Magazine, since the condo association has to approve it. But then, this one probably wouldn't survive hurricane winds, would it?
So for the next year all my shopping will be at the ferreteria (hardware store) or the taller de pintura (paint store). Any money I spend, that's where it'll go.
Anybody got any recipes for beans and rice?
P.S. The article about the ramada says the Indian who built it rubbed motor oil into the supports to discourage termites.
Inside the Petersen House
On Wednesday I finally decided to go and visit The Petersen House Museum in Tempe. The outside of this house is decidedly very pretty but just wait until you see the interior. The house has been semi-remodeled but mostly restored to it's original condition. Although completely furnished none of the furniture is original to the house however it is true to the time.
The house was built back in 1892 and yet only three families lived there. When the Petersens passed it was willed to a relative but it was stipulated that the house could not be sold. An ASU art professor rented the house for some 18 years up until 1967 or around that time. It wasn't until the mid 80's that the house was given to the Tempe Historic Society and the restoration begun.
Upon entering you see how grand the house is by the foyer's look. The house was built specially for Mr. Petersen's wife. She was accustomed to living in a similar house back east and that's when a well known architect was commissioned to building it.
Although three different families lived there only the Petersen's used the master bedroom in the second floor. There is a huge amount of detail such as the picture rails, the wooden floors, the wall papered borders which to this day are still the original borders and there is even a mural that sits over the chimney that at one point was painted over it. It was discovered by chance while restoring the house and little by little it was cleaned. The parlor had a similar mural but that one could not be saved as it was heavily damaged.
I hope you enjoy the following tour throught this beautiful house.
I'm back...Did I miss anything?
Cataclysmic events may have taken place in the last few days, but I was out of touch with the world.
I was tickled this morning to receive a spam on my blog from somebody, whose first language was obviously not English, selling Cialis. Now there's something I really don't need.
In my personal Book of Lists I named some things I will enjoy about living alone. Privileges like waking up, turning on the bedside light and reading at 2am if I feel like it. Getting to drive my own car all the time, which will make me a more confident and competent driver. Playing my favorite music anytime I want, as loudly as I want, even in the car. Listening to talk radio. Getting back the remote, or even not having a TV if I choose. Staying as long as I like at a party. Making my own travel plans, and when traveling, being free to indulge my curiosity. Maybe crewing on another boat or two.
The negatives are mostly fears for the future, which doesn't have to loom large in my life. Un poco a poco, I will meet them, get scared and then overcome them.
One thing I really must do is make another list, of new names for this blog. First Mate is no longer apt. I'm not sure how to change the name without losing my few but faithful readers. Any ideas?
Adventuring Out: Dim Sum
Foodventures with our YES Prep student have continued and are more popular than ever! I’ve actually switched to a World Literature curriculum this year -- not only because it’s closer to my heart, but also because it ties to well to introducing food in the classroom.
Laugh it up. I’m not joking.
This past Sunday we took nine confident and capable sophomores to try dim sum for the first time at Ocean Palace. Since we’re reading The Joy Luck Club in class, we’ve had a cultural amuse bouche, and several students were ready for a true main course. Excited were they to show up at school -- on a Sunday -- to meet up with their teachers for a trip to Houston’s Chinatown.
Upon arrival, we told them, “No sodas today!!” [with a fist shake] and they shrugged, “OK.” And then we told them, “You have to try everything!!” [with a fist shake] and they said, “No problem.” We were shocked at how easily they slipped on their adventure caps, trusting us to steer them right.

Our amazing Algebra II teacher is originally from Hong Kong, and giggles broke out when she spoke to our servers in Cantonese. Then, a quick lesson on chopsticks before digging in... Hi-YA! Dishes piled up under the watchful intrigue of the kiddos. They loved the shrimp dumplings, pork buns, and daikon radish cakes. They connected the spongy tripe to meaty menudo. They took turns filling each other’s cups of tea. They each tried a saucy chicken foot. And they fought over the last sugary coconut treat. 100% awesome.

Each student walked away just a little wiser in the ways of the world -- and I walked away contented by teenagers who show a genuine curiosity about our global community. It is a wonder to watch how food can teach, create, unite. The day turned out serene, fast, formidable, and exciting-to-the-max. If only all my school weeks could begin with such varied grace.
Laugh it up. I’m not joking.
This past Sunday we took nine confident and capable sophomores to try dim sum for the first time at Ocean Palace. Since we’re reading The Joy Luck Club in class, we’ve had a cultural amuse bouche, and several students were ready for a true main course. Excited were they to show up at school -- on a Sunday -- to meet up with their teachers for a trip to Houston’s Chinatown.
Upon arrival, we told them, “No sodas today!!” [with a fist shake] and they shrugged, “OK.” And then we told them, “You have to try everything!!” [with a fist shake] and they said, “No problem.” We were shocked at how easily they slipped on their adventure caps, trusting us to steer them right.

Our amazing Algebra II teacher is originally from Hong Kong, and giggles broke out when she spoke to our servers in Cantonese. Then, a quick lesson on chopsticks before digging in... Hi-YA! Dishes piled up under the watchful intrigue of the kiddos. They loved the shrimp dumplings, pork buns, and daikon radish cakes. They connected the spongy tripe to meaty menudo. They took turns filling each other’s cups of tea. They each tried a saucy chicken foot. And they fought over the last sugary coconut treat. 100% awesome.

Each student walked away just a little wiser in the ways of the world -- and I walked away contented by teenagers who show a genuine curiosity about our global community. It is a wonder to watch how food can teach, create, unite. The day turned out serene, fast, formidable, and exciting-to-the-max. If only all my school weeks could begin with such varied grace.

My Dad's Portrait
So, as we continue redesigning the inside of our house I continue receiving wonderful presents from some of my long time bloggin' friends. You've all seen the art that Wanda sent me and that now graces my walls.
Well last week, Tara surprised me with a portrait rendition of my dad. I got home on Monday afternoon to find a note left by the mailman that I could pick up the package at the post office in Old Avondale. I immediately drove there only to find out that the mailman was still out delivering his mail and that my box would not be available until the next day.
Well, Tuesday I stay with my mom and Wednesday was Veteran's Day, that meant I had to wait until Thursday to pick up my package. So I called my daughter and she agreed to pick it up for me on Tuesday. I still had to wait until Wednesday afternoon to see it but trust me it was well worth the wait. I was thrilled to finally see the portrait and to see what great work Tara did on it.
The next step was to have it framed. The end result was absolutely awesome. This was totally different form the frames I'm used to. This is an open frame no glass, no border, only the frame and the painting.
And here is the the portrait in it's frame.

Well last week, Tara surprised me with a portrait rendition of my dad. I got home on Monday afternoon to find a note left by the mailman that I could pick up the package at the post office in Old Avondale. I immediately drove there only to find out that the mailman was still out delivering his mail and that my box would not be available until the next day.
Well, Tuesday I stay with my mom and Wednesday was Veteran's Day, that meant I had to wait until Thursday to pick up my package. So I called my daughter and she agreed to pick it up for me on Tuesday. I still had to wait until Wednesday afternoon to see it but trust me it was well worth the wait. I was thrilled to finally see the portrait and to see what great work Tara did on it.
The next step was to have it framed. The end result was absolutely awesome. This was totally different form the frames I'm used to. This is an open frame no glass, no border, only the frame and the painting.
And here is the the portrait in it's frame.
Fall Exhibit
So the day finally came, the exhibition took place but it almost went on without any spectators, however besides my mom, Elena, and Maryita whom got here almost on time which is rare for my beautiful sister, and Vane, Frank, and familia I did have a huge surprise when I came back from the store.
My dear blog friend Betty of "Life is Good" and her husband Paul showed up. Betty and I met just a little over a year ago through another of my dear blogger friends ChrisJ of "Flamblogger" blog.
Betty is the only blogger other than my family that lives in Arizona and not only does she live in my state but she lives in the town next to ours. I'd say she only lives about 20 minutes away and yet it took us a little over a year to finally meet. With that said, to say that I was surprised and happy to finally meet her is an understatement.
Michelle, Nichole, and Cindi also showed up but only briefly because they were in the middle of an important celebration for them. Michelle and Nikki's mother in law had a surprised 50th birthday party and they had to be there.
One of the things I always do when having an exhibition is to present the host with a frame, since this one was being hosted by me I decided to present my mom with a frame that a while back she mentioned she would love to have. She had a picture of my grandfather (my dad's father) that my dad took over 20 years ago during one of his trips back to Mexico hanging by her little breakfast nook and somehow the frame gave up and fell. She had put it away but mentioned to me that she would like to put it back on the wall.
However, she said that she would like it even better if the picture was a little bit bigger, so I took her original (which I'm now keeping) and had it enlarged to an 11 X 14 then placed it in a black frame. Because the original picture was so old most of the colors were gone, we did enhance the image through picazza but in the end I opted for the original faded look. To complement the yellowish color of the print I bought a nice light green mat that in my opinion brought the image back to life. I was pleased and happy with it but most importantly so was she.
After receiving all the phone calls with cancellations I decided to just go and get some Mexican bread so we could have cafesito con pan. Mi chica also broke down some garlic snacks topped with Mexican cheese, ummm que rico! If you don't believe me go ahead and ask Ariel.
Here are a few more images from the night.
So, what to do now? I know let's karaoke. We sang (OK mostly me) for the next hour or so and then we called it a night.
We said goodbye and procceded to start cleaning. While mi chica swept I put all the frames away. Doing all this work woke up my appetite and I for some reason craved "chilaquiles". Mi chica said let's go to the store to get what we need. Ummm wow! Almost at midnight I was enjoying the best "chilaquiles" in town. And with that our night came to a close.
Proyecto Tres - The Office
The office has some special pieces in it, starting with the sewing machine that once belonged to my mother in law. The old desk came to us from a school in Los Angeles via my brother in law. It most likely served many teachers and students before coming to us. I imagine it's very old, it has already been ours for the past nine years.
The empty wall in front of the desk will soon have a custom shelf designed specifically to house my DVD collection as well as my die cast car collection and hopefully a television too.
So, for now it looks kindda empty, the walls are still bare with the exception of my Harley Davidson poster hanging behind the desk but that will soon change too. I am excited about the art that has been sent to me by some of my blogger friends and I am proud to display it in my house. The paintings sent to me are by far better and more meaningful than anything I can buy at a store and that most likely was mass produced.
Mi chica may start working from home soon and I want the office to be as confortable and efficient as possible. So for now this is where we are with it. Here are a few more shots.
First Mate no more
It has been a time of beginnings and endings. The last day we worked on our antique guide and with huge relief sent it off to the printer (when this photo was taken). Signing the papers for the first home we ever bought together. The last day we spent in the duplex we rented for more than three years. The first night in the new condo, first meal cooked in the new kitchen. And then yesterday, in a matter of seconds, our 20-year marriage came to an end. One day we were telling ourselves how our new home was going to improve our life. The next day the Capt decided to move back to the duplex and out of my life. Nov. 11 was a private anniversary for us, Dismasting Day—marking the day our first boat, Pollo del Mar, lost her mast in a squall in San Pablo Bay. Quite a coincidence, because I'm feeling at the moment like I've lost MY mast, my motor has conked out and I'm drifting in some dangerous currents.
Most bloggers seem to avoid discussing the dynamics of their personal relationships. I don't plan to dwell on mine, either, other than to say that apparently I won't be posting anymore sailing adventures on the S/V "Bliss."
I think I need a timeout.
Most bloggers seem to avoid discussing the dynamics of their personal relationships. I don't plan to dwell on mine, either, other than to say that apparently I won't be posting anymore sailing adventures on the S/V "Bliss."
I think I need a timeout.
Thursday Tidbits

It's Thursday and I have nothing new. Everything is pretty much the same these days. Since the second set of "Ducks" got their own apartment we have been occupying ourselves with the cleaning and rearranging furniture, but that will end soon. Then eventually we will have to figure out how to replace some of our furniture as some things are in really bad shape. For now we will make do with what we have and so far we are not doing too bad.

Our weather has been wonderful these days, definitely been enjoying driving with the top down. While in many places back east they already have snow or ice we are still wearing t-shirts and shorts. Now, where else but in Arizona you can do this. I love my state. Now, if I only had a few dollars to spare and get my bike serviced and registered again I would be a happier fellow.
The countdown begins, next week I will only work for four days and then I'll be taking the whole Thanksgiving week of as vacation time, and since we are not going anywhere I shall enjoy my time off from work.

Saturday we will be hosting our Autumn Photo Exhibition and Sale at the house. Not too many people may show up but as always some of my family will and that always makes it for a great time.
Betty, I definitely am looking forward to finally meet you in person so I hope to see you here Saturday.
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